OOT remake

Joe said:
im not typing Orcarina of Time (except for this ONE time :lol:with the wii mote bottom line! I got other things to do than waste my time spelling out things that I can just abbreviate! many people abbreviate a lot of things here either you like it or not so stop bitching!

I like that you actually explain why it would be a bad idea....the other dumbass didnt...so he was NOT proving any point....anyways.....

You've got other things to do?

Such as make an extremely labored point about why you do NOT abbreviate?

Call me crazy but it seems like you just defeated your own point.

You are correct, previously, he did not PROVE a point, however....he did MAKE a point. And as you'll see, directly above this post, he did attempt to prove the point.
You missed a hidden point, as well: it's harder to misspell OoT than it is to misspell Ocarina of Time :ihih:.

It's not like he's abbreviating every other word, so is it really so wrong to simply abbreviate game titles that are used very often in Nintendo/Zelda forums?

At least it's not anywhere near as annoying as incessant "internet slang" or "l33t" speak.
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vi3tmix said:
You missed a hidden point, as well: it's harder to misspell OoT than it is to misspell Ocarina of Time :ihih:.

It's not like he's abbreviating every other word, so is it really so wrong to simply abbreviate game titles that are used very often in Nintendo/Zelda forums?

At least it's not anywhere near as annoying as incessant "internet slang" or "l33t" speak.

I don't know, personally it didn't seem like we were using it all that often....

And abbreviation, in my opinion, has become another facet of internet speak.

and I HATE when people say WTF in real conversation. Listen to me now people.... WTF has more syllables than the phrase that it abbreviates!!
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TheMix said:
You've got other things to do?

Such as make an extremely labored point about why you do NOT abbreviate?

Call me crazy but it seems like you just defeated your own point.

hey, I always have enough time to speak my mind
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