Geist remake for Wii U


WiiChat Member
Jan 6, 2011
Wii Online Code
I don't how many of you know what Geist is, but you should. I'm wanting to know if any of think that Nintendo should do a remake of this amazing first person shooter. If so, then what do you think Nintendo should do in order for you to buy it? I'd like for them to keep the campaign the same as it is, but make slight changes to its gameplay. Perhaps add a few new weapons, abilities, and making the game online enable. It's the only Nintendo first person shooter that I believe would destroy the Conduit series; if it were to be remade with Wii U's new hardware. The Conduit 3 vs. Geist remake: Please, we all know which one would win this one. What's you're opinion on all of this? [video=youtube;Pjozj59CL8w][/video]
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That's the ghost-fps on the GC, correct? I can't really remember it as standing out enough for a remake, though the idea might be reused in future games.
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That's the ghost-fps on the GC, correct? I can't really remember it as standing out enough for a remake, though the idea might be reused in future games.
Yes, that's the one! I think it deserves another chance; it's six years out of date and it's a VERY underrated gem in my opinion. If they don't do a remake of this game, then they should do a sequel, but it's very unlikely.
I think that other horror game on the cube might be better for the WiiU. Eternal Darkness: Sanity's Requiem. While it doesn't have the lure of being an FPS, it's a very unique title.
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I think that other horror game on the cube might be better for the WiiU. Eternal Darkness: Sanity's Requiem.
I was actually going to include that game in my post, but I decided to try my best to stay on topic. I should make a thread about it, because that's another remake I'd like to see. :lol:

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