some company should make a memory card so if you wanted to delete data from it you would have to input a password.
I know how you feel man, my cousin borrowed my gamecube memory card a few years ago without asking and when he gave it back (I was all suprised because I didn't even know he took it) a lot of my data was realeased and I haven't even finished those games yet. I was so mad but eventually got over it and played through the games.
yeah one game that really pissed me off was phantasy star online. id get the FSOD, and would erase my whole phantasy star online files. now das jacked up.
I guess it's a double-edged sword isn't it? Sister likes games so she deletes ur games to play hers...but u get to play the games she buys w/out wasting ur money ^_^'.
I have an older sister(18 yrs.)but she HATES videgames, she says only nerdy geeks play them and I say, "Only prissy wusses read Cosmo and talk on their cellphones 24/7":lol:
God! I know wut u mean about AC! How much did u have completed? Did u have the statue of urself at the front of the town?
well u can build a time machine and set time back, or spank her, or maybe buy one of those laser protected chest (with a sniper on the roof) that wal-mart has for sale