My Girlfriend Is Amazing

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Rein said:
What did you get her?

A blender+glasses+tequila+triple sec+margarita mix
The Little Mermaid+a Little Mermaid Stool(she is short)
A bunch of stuff from Victoria's Secret
A mini boom box
A pair of pink Heelys

I was so excited to see her wheel around on the Heelys. She said it is pretty hard though. I think I may have to get a pair so we can be a roller team.
Tacos said:
A blender+glasses+tequila+triple sec+margarita mix
The Little Mermaid+a Little Mermaid Stool(she is short)
A bunch of stuff from Victoria's Secret
A mini boom box
A pair of pink Heelys

I was so excited to see her wheel around on the Heelys. She said it is pretty hard though. I think I may have to get a pair so we can be a roller team.

no,iam lol'ing about me lol'ing for the post you put to make me start lol'ing.
Just like Tacos, my girlfriend got me a Wii for xmas too.

Wii+Zelda+3Wiimotes+nunchuck+Raymon Rabbits

I got her diamond earrings = Now we are both broke and playing Wii all the time... life is good
BSDeez16 said:
Am I the only one who caught on to this one!?!?

Uh no, I just didn't feel like replying cuz I'm lazy, lol. But now I have, hurray.
Oh wow, I didn't notice that reply until now. That's harsh buddy...maybe he's jealous?
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