Old Games Still #1?

redneck E

redneck E
May 8, 2009
Dexter, Michigan
Wii Online Code
I am a person who loves my old games. This had me thinking... What does everyone prefer? The older games from the NES or even Atari, or the new generation of games. If you do like the older games is it because they hold a special place in our hearts from when we were young or is simpler just better?
Well as I turned on my 360 the other day It seemed like my Saturn has been turned on more times

Heck even my old Binatone has been on more times.

There are still loads of classic games that I have yet to finish.
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Well as I turned on my 360 the other day It seemed like my Saturn has been turned on more times

Heck even my old Binatone has been on more times.

There are still loads of classic games that I have yet to finish.

Hell yeah! I still hook up my Atari 2600 from time to time.

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