Okay So I wrote EA an Email about Madden and here is what they had to say....


WiiChat Member
Jul 29, 2007
Wii Online Code
I just want to say I am very disappointed with madden this year i have it for the Wii I am very disappointed! It looks like you just took the core files of 07 and threw new graphics on and added a crummy online mode that would have been great if it wasn't for the lag........ I would love to see a recall or a patch maybe... my expectations were much higher thanks for letting down a fan!will ea do anything about these issues a lot of customers are having? like lag

Your Disappointed fan,


Hello Ronnie,

Thank you for writing us at EA Technical Support. I understand that you are currently having connectivity issues with Madden NFL 08 for the Wii. I apologize for your situation, and the inconvenience that this causes you.

I would like to ask, have you tried bypassing your router, if you use one, and connecting your console directly to the modem?
Have you tried logging on at a different time?

First, please note that once you are connected to another player, you are no longer connected to the EA Nation online service. Your connectivity will depend on the strength of your and your opponent's connection, not the EA Nation online servers.

With that said please do go over the steps below to minimize instances of disconnects.

First, please try bypassing your router, if you use one, and connecting your console directly to the modem. This will help us rule out possible conflicts with other devices.

Also, please make sure that the ports required are open if a router or fire wall is being used with the title on your network. If you do not have a router or fire wall please contact your internet service provider or network administrator and have them look into opening these ports.

If you are unsure on how to do this please refer to the documentation for your firewall/router or contact the manufacturer of that product for assistance configuring your firewall/router.

Although this is not as big of a problem now as it was in the past, some older Internet routers can slow down or experience issues due to online traffic. This most often occurs during peak traffic times. From 3 PM PST (GMT 8 PM) to 10 PM PST (GMT 6 AM). Try logging on outside of these times to see if the issue persists.

If you have any other questions feel free to reply to this e-mail, and I will be very glad to help you out to the best of my ability.

Should you require further assistance with this game or other Electronic Arts games in the future, please visit our website and review our extensive Self Help knowledgebase at http://support.ea.com/

Thank you,

Leonard B.
EA Technical Support

I didn't even ask about the internet issue I asked if they are going to try to fix the game on its biggest issues! its funny I don't use a router and I have cable and still get lag and they had nothing to say about how much I am disappointed in them. Although this is not as big of a problem now as it was in the past <<< lmao there wasn't even a problem before since Madden wasn't online for Wii.

funny, huh
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I'm not surprised they did that, they will never acknowledge when their product sucks, just this past week I downloaded a command and conquer 3 demo and when I went to try it it re-started my computer.
Have you ever bought successive EA sports titles? I ask because you said it appears they took the core files of 07 and added a few things. Hello, that's what EA does every year with Madden, NBA Live, NCAA Football, etc. Those series are always known for one or two little additions (gimicks) each time around. People have complained about this for a long time and it has never and will never change. I thought everybody in the gaming community was aware of that. If you buy Madden next year it will be nearly the same as this year's with an addition or two.

They aren't going to come right out and say their own product is faulty in an email response to someone. That's just not going to happen with any company.

Again, I fail to see the lag issues online. I've only played one game but had no issues in that one game.
That's completly true IcedEarth81. Look at the NHL series, it has not changed significantly since NHL 05 and it just gets worse every year(not including the next gen version of nhl 07 for 360 last year).
Every game I play online has the delay, which makes my game SUCK. I run all the time and the delay KILLS me. And I've never even made it to halftime in any of my games, the connection is always lost. I use a wireless router, but I even tried plugging the Wii right into the modem and the delay was still there. I was so pumped for online play, its the main reason I bought the game, but what a huge disappointment.
Your e-mail was rude, short, and very 'boohoo you guys ruined a what might have been game'-ish. I'm surprised they gave you an answer at all. What did you expect? "We did this on purpose?" - "We made a mistake and we're sorry but here comes a patch"?

You got exactly the mail back that you should've gotten back.
I've never been a fan of EA, every since they Killed Westwood. However, your letter was very rude and unprofessional, and I've suprised as well that they gave you a responce. Now what I'm curious about is what ports need to be forwarded on my router for the wii/ea nation? as I forward ports all the time but cannot find the required information as to what ports need to be forwarded.

I do hope that they release a patch but I don't think it will be for a month or so... I bought bf2 at launch and it took them awhile to patch that one. Best of luck to everyone, I played a decently not-laggy game last night so I have high hopes that it will get better soon.

jesse1596 said:
I'm not surprised they did that, they will never acknowledge when their product sucks, just this past week I downloaded a command and conquer 3 demo and when I went to try it it re-started my computer.

The reason your computer restarts is because you do'nt have sufficient hardware to run the game, meaning... your computer blows. So it's not EA's fault that your computer isn't good enough to run its games. Your computer restarts because you encounter a blue screen of death, meaning your computer was trying to do what it is not capable of. And XP's default settings just restart yoru comp instead of sending you the BSoD on screen.

My computer ran C&C 3 Demo perfectly, and I may get the game when it drops in price as C&C was my all-time favorite franchise.

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