Official Q & A Thread

Reversal ? @ Strongest Move

@ Anyone

How does beat up change with party size.
1 poke?
2 Pokes?

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i like to use substatute when i have to use rest or a wate 2 turns attack
how do you get it. move tuter,training. i realy wanna teach my mew reversal
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bw! said:
how do you get it
you breed a Makuhita (male) With a Compatible female, such as a female Primeape, thus the move is bred through.... the off-spring is always the female pokemon
M pokemon + F pokemon = F pokemon

look on Marriland for more info...

(click on marriland to use his pokedex search)
i thot he could learn any move owell i well just be bord mostly because nobodie well battle me and thankyou both for answering my question
bw! said:
i thot he could learn any move owell i well just be bord mostly because nobodie well battle me and thank you both for answering my question
your welcome
he can learn any TM/HM....
Strype McClaine said:
Bumping me self for sake of the question.
the more pokemon, the more damage...

if there is

Blastiose = Water
Charizard = Fire
Venasaur = Grass

they will do Water, Fire, and Grass type attacks
(blastiose water ect...)

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