Official Q & A Thread

Sorry, I need to do this....

Their are too many new threads made that could be answered/discused in a few lines in the Q/A thread...SO MUCH CLUTTER
I have a noob question... a couple actually.

What does the term; "BL" mean?

And what exactly does "tank" mean? What can a "tank" pokemon DO?

STAB also, what does it mean?
Tanks are pokes with great defensive capabilities.
STAB=SameTypeAttackBonus (EX: Kingdra and Surf. Pikachu and Thunder. Charmeleon and Flamethrower)

BL is a teir term. I dont think you'll understand unless you EV train.
I'm not sure myself but theres a teir of pokes in lever of power going something like this.
UBER-Mostly Legendaries like Mewtwo
OU-Strong, overused pokes (EX: Garchomp)
BL-A lower class of OU
UU-Weak pokes that still have purposes
NU-Never used pokes (like my precious Mightyena)
Never used?

Im guessing pokemon that are never used are pokemon that are weaker than other pokemon that have the same attacks, bases, etc.?

Anyways, yeah, I get the picture.. thanks!
Putting the old Q&A thread back on top, while reposting and answering a few questions.

ssbb4life said:
can someone tell me what happens when you get all the pokemon. cuz i remember it took my friend like a year to get all the pokemon in silver and it said"congratulation's i caught all the pokemon" me and my friends were like wtf? then we starrted laughing

Its basically a little thank you, except in gen 4, its a thank you and a star upgrade to your trainer card.

bennywenny said:
What Pokemon do you guys reccommend to take on the elite 4 with?
(I've got Infernape and Dialga)

Judge:The Strongest and highest leveled you have if none are EV trained and The first Elite is a Bug Trainer/Second Ground Type/Fire Type/Psychic Type/ The Final Challenger is Mixed

Fox:*looks at league hystory*
I used Empoleon, Honchkrow, Crobat, Luxray, Relicanth, and Rampardos (traded for Relicanth)

Strype:I also like haveing a Luxray with me...the whole game. Yes, I find them that usefull in the story mode. If you dont have time to breed in the elemental bites, Spark, Crunch, Return, Thunderwave ... Is pritty much, awsome.

Olimar said:
I have a lvl 100 ninetales and a lvl 64 crobat. Anyone know a good balanced moveset?

Special Sweeper Ninetails
Leftovers / Life Orb / Wide Lens Timid
EVs 6 HP / 252 SpA / 252 Spe

~ Nasty Plot
~ Flamethrower / Fire Blast
~ Energy Ball
~ Hypnosis

Trapper Crobat
Leftovers Jolly
EVs 252 HP / 4 Atk / 252 Spe
~ Mean Look
~ Hypnosis
~ U-turn
~ Aerial Ace / Air Slash
I've tried the Life Orb Ninetales Strype, he never lives after a nasty plot and if Hypnosis fails, you're fuxed.
I use a Focus Sash with that same moveset (Most of the time I just had N.Plot/Falmethrower/DarkPulse/EnergyBall because you basically have a choice between leading with Hyp or Plot.
I always choose Plot, almost always (unless the situation is desperate), so that I would at LEAST get one plot off and my sash would allow me to begin sweeping, or come in on a supporter/phys.wall (Weezing) and get a free plot while they switch, then plot again, sash, and sweep away (assuming it's not against a Quick Attacker or a very fast poke)
Tails McCloud~ said:
I've tried the Life Orb Ninetales Strype, he never lives after a nasty plot and if Hypnosis fails, you're fuxed.
I use a Focus Sash with that same moveset (Most of the time I just had N.Plot/Falmethrower/DarkPulse/EnergyBall because you basically have a choice between leading with Hyp or Plot.
I always choose Plot, almost always (unless the situation is desperate), so that I would at LEAST get one plot off and my sash would allow me to begin sweeping, or come in on a supporter/phys.wall (Weezing) and get a free plot while they switch, then plot again, sash, and sweep away (assuming it's not against a Quick Attacker or a very fast poke)

While you know I was only useing this to answer alot of just erronous questions, I kinda think the Hypnosis/Fireblast-Lavaplume/Nasty Plot/Energyball with wide lense works better for Ninetails, bringing the hypnosis and her primary attack, fireblast up in accuracy seems to be the strongest plan for her, you switch her in on a fire attack, get the power up, then if you can stay in, hypno/attack to get full power or hit the Energy ball for coverage (ground/rock/Water) Dark pulse only seems to ht the psycic waters, and for that, eehhh, id rather have energy ball.

Ismail said:
what do you prefer shiny or non shiny pokemon?

Truth be told, I would rather have a good nonshiny poke than just a shiny.

The easiest way to find shinies is through the pokeradar, and then your leaving your nature to chance (if you don't use synchronizers) and your IVs//Egg moves to Hard core chance.

This is not for me to say, I dont like Shinies, by all means, I have a shiny bronzong (that has neigh perfect IV's) and suts me just fine...and some pokes I think look AWSOME shiney, but most, I just don't. One such example, I would rather have a normal vaporion, but say, magnazone? That looks badd ass shiny. (rember gold conducts at +1.5 oms, shiny magnazone is gold...seems like it should be, even more awsome)
I dont like shinies at all, bit I keep them because their rare. I gave awaw my shiny jap Dialga.
Nick Atack said:
What is an easy way to find shinys?

And is there any Underground Base flags after Platinum?

Sorry if these were already asked but.........

Thank you...sorry, just happy to answer them.

Platinum is the highest underground base flag, and is acquired after stealing 100 underground Flags.

The easiest way to find shines, is to be freakin awesome. If your not freakin awesome, the using the PK radar to chain pokes, you force the same poke to keep coming out, this increases the odds of finding that poke in shiny. Also usefully for speedily ev training.
Strype McClaine said:
Thank you...sorry, just happy to answer them.

Platinum is the highest underground base flag, and is acquired after stealing 100 underground Flags.

The easiest way to find shines, is to be freakin awesome. If your not freakin awesome, the using the PK radar to chain pokes, you force the same poke to keep coming out, this increases the odds of finding that poke in shiny. Also usefully for speedily ev training.

What is an easy way to get 100 Wins in Battle Tower,without dying once?