Official Q & A Thread

Strype McClaine said:
Perhaps you do not realize this.
I am strype McClaine
I am a demi poke god


"i am strype mcclaine, i shake the pokemon like babies until they do as i wish".

I got a question, i've been doing wifi battle tower, anyone good enough to beat room 003? theres this ninjask there that just hands my ass to me every time.
Monogatari said:

"i am strype mcclaine, i shake the pokemon like babies until they do as i wish".

I got a question, i've been doing wifi battle tower, anyone good enough to beat room 003? theres this ninjask there that just hands my ass to me every time.
your kidding! :lol: i used my bastiodon, used avalanche when it couldn't do crap because its attack, my defense, and my strenght vs bugs, i just used ava, and it passed away like hell :lol:
PokeChamp said:
your kidding! :lol: i used my bastiodon, used avalanche when it couldn't do crap because its attack, my defense, and my strenght vs bugs, i just used ava, and it passed away like hell :lol:
*Gasp* O Rly?

Anyways no, is this referring to the far right lady in the Battle Tower? If it is I believe some people have hacked stats Pokemon in their, which may be why you lose o_O
Or could it be from other reasons? Humn, the world will never know.

Also to bump this back up to the top, and put information here that needed to be here

AndThen? said:
I really need help evolving my Chingling. It's level 24. You need to make it happy at night to make it evolve. Everything I've tried hasn't worked. Please help.

Thanks in advance.

This should have gone into the q and a thread.... probly isn't happy enough.
So quickly, I will go over the happyness score.

* Gaining a level (+2)
* Walking 256 steps (+1)
* Stat modifiers (+2)
* Using Soothe Bell (+1 for each other positive event)
* Massage in Veilstone City by girl in house nearest to Veilstone Gym (+3)
* Massage at Ribbon Syndicate in Resort Area
* Using Potions and healing items (soda/moomoo milk ect seem to give more points)
* Energypowder (-5)
* Heal powder (-5)
* Energy root (-10)
* Revival Herb (-15)

Chimeco evolves at night, when its happiness index is at 220, if you caught it in the wild, its starting happiness was likely at 70 (26% of its max), if it was hatched, its base happiness is 140.
No, their is no way to check exactly what the happiness index is at, the poketech application gives a good figure at this. Two large hearts is generally approximately max happiness.

To go a wee bit farther than needed, 255 is the max happiness a pokemon can have (the same number the max possible evs in a stat, but by coincidence)
Happiness is also the factor used to determine the power level of both return and frustration.

Frustration's Power = (255 - happiness) / 2.5 [max power 102]
Return's Power = happiness / 2.5. [max power 102]

The only pokemon to learn return by leveling is lopunny, and my prediction is that it will be learned by Dawns bunneary verry soon.
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Im sorry for the double post, and for the bump, however q and a should be higher on the thread list.

Normally, I'd say to balance out your team, but considering you've got a Swampert and Blaziken in there, I'd say attack. But that's just me.
PokeChamp said:
a water type can obliterate your team, put a blissey in...
i was gonna put in 3 sp. atk, and 3 attacks

should i switch gardevoir with espeon....

or iunno

what would be a good team with 3 good in attack, and 3 good in sp.atk
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