It's just a naked woman... Too bad my teacher never did stuff like that, he just talked about the stuff, and then he got into fights with other teachers (physically).
Yeah, that's Leah! She's got highlights now, I haven't seen her for months even though she lives next door. She gets to go to America for her football training because no one cares about women here, I hate her. D:
My grandparents always have an easter egg hunt with us grandkids. It's gotten to be funny over the years, because grandma tried to make it all even out by giving everyone one color of eggs, but over the years, the colors have grown increasingly similar ("yours is neon green, and yours is pastel green"), and some colors have become a free-for-all, it's a real mess. So, this year after all the festivities, I took some of the cousins out for a real hunt--Geocaching.