I went to the local Gamestop last night and saw 3 wii's and a whole bunch of accessories, it's one of the few places I've seen more than one wii lately.
I got one last night with Wii Play and Wii Sports and some other Mario Party 8 an extra controller and 2 nunchucks for $180! STEAL!!!!!!!! I have only played Bowling and Baseball so far, I can't wait to get home and play!
Congrats to everyone who just got one and good luck to those still looking...
I will be getting mine for the second time sometime mid next week, as it is on the way back from the repair shop as we speak. I try to stay optimistic and see it as I get to live the experience of excitement twice instead of just once. lol
My mom went to Toys R Us last week when they had that buy 2 get 1 free on games. She asked the sales guy if they had any Wiis and to her surprise he said "yeah, we have 12 of them". So she ended up getting me a Wii, Play with extra remote, charging kit, zelda, metroid, and Super Paper Mario. To be honest, I was a bit speechless when she told me, but it's in the mail. I should hopefully see it in the next couple of days. I've never played one so I'm really excited!:smilewinkgrin:
I'm coming back to America in the middle of November........as soon as I get home I'm going to get an iPhone AND OF COURSE a Wii! .....If I can find a Wii. :scared:
Man, some of you guys still haven't found a Wii? I think anyone these days should be able to find a Wii in about a month max. The trick is not to just keep running around, but to get the right tracker. B&M http://itrackr.com is the one I used, it's a hit or miss, better than nothing. For online, I prefer email/cell phone alerts and not RSS feeds and other nonsense. I subscribed to http://wiialerts.com and I have enough alerts to guarantee buying as many as the online store permits.
I finally got my Wii...It wasn't hard for me to find one in Jacksonville. I called a few places and the 4th place I called had a refurbished one. With a 1 year replacement plan it's still cheaper than a new one. Plus I got SSX Blur which is sick.
I finally got my Wii on Monday, and it is amazing!!! I got Wii Play, Zelda, Metroid Prime 3, and Super Paper Mario. Now I just need some friends to add.:smilewinkgrin: