Official 'I got a Wii' thread

We just got a new Wii 3 days ago. On the 2nd day, my husband and son were complaining of having sore arms. They finally realized it was from the aggressive "Boxing" the day before on the Wii.

Just yesterday, my daughter smacked her head with the remote when she was throwing the "Bowling" ball a little too high. Thank goodness, the remote was OK. (yes, her head was too).

I got the Wii online with our wireless router and downloaded the system update. I think I'm gonna get some of those new Rayovac "Hybrid" rechareables too. Now the next thing is deciding what games to buy.
At last I find my Wii at a Best Buy last Sunday. Unfortunately I ran out of time to buy the games I wanted so I will get on with that this weekend. My Wii shopping list:
1.2000 Wii Points
2.Metroid Prime 3: Corruption
3. Zelda: Twilight Princess

This weekend will be awesome for me :D
I've had a Wii for some time. Actually, Christmas, to be exact. However, my mother got it for me three weeks before Christmas (a couple weeks after launch). I got a Wii console with Wii Sports, Wii remote, Nunchuck, an extra remote and nunchuck, and Madden 2007.
I searched for weeks wich felt like years and now i finally have a Wii. I got home from work on Wed and my son came up to me and said daddy, I have a present for you. He said close your eyes so, I did and when he told me to open them there was my little bugger standing with a Wii system and a bag of goodies saying wanna go and play. I had no clue. My wife was out all day with my boys hunting a Wii for me. They royally surprized me.
2 months ago, in a land far, far away, we had the money for our Wii, and were told that a store had them, and when we called again, they were out. After calling every store in town, (and some not in town) we finally found a couple on Ebay, and the seller was in our town. We agreed on a price (totally great deal), and then we drove out on the longest, twistiest, most confusing journey of 20 miles ever. Many cell phone calls to the seller's wonderful mother, the exchange of some cash, and smiling goodbye later, we held the magical White Box Of Wii-dom in our hands, a hazy glow on our faces reflecting from the glory that radiated from the Box. We were now the proud parents of a Console.
...Not Yet :(

Haven't purchased a Wii yet. Actually I've never seen one in a store to purchase. I'm currently in Germany, but will be back in PA in December. I hope to find one then or perhaps in Germany sooooon.
Got one the other day with Wii Sports and Wii Play. It's fantastic :D

Although anyone else found it's really difficult to buy nunchucks?
I also need another nunchuck and have seen a few in walmart and best buy but alot of the times they seem to be sold out.

I'd like one soon along with a classic controller so I can DL the classics.

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