Official 'I got a Wii' thread

D.C. Suburbs

Here is a report of the situation in D.C. suburbs, Silver Spring area: BB had only 20 units and the line was filled by 4:45. CC ended up with only 10 units (I was 14th in line there. They only informed us of the number of units at 7:30, after about 75 people had formed into line :mad5: ). Gamestop had 8. Not sure about Target or TRU. Anybody from this area have any idea about shipments to those stores?

BTW, does it seem like the shipment for this week, for all retailers, was low? I figured CC would have at least 30 units, Best Buy more as well.
docindahouze said:
So my dad got a hookup through a friend who apparently has a bunch of Wii's sittting around and dad ended up with a free Wii, which he gave to me. anyway it also turned out that they were all "demo" versions. Which means i do not have the "Start Up Disk". I have been calling Nintendo for the past three days now, each time automated message they are taking no calls whatsoever because of "local (i'm guessing weather) condition". In the mean time is there anything else i can do to get this thing setup or do i have to wait for Nintendo to get back on the phone. I'm not much of a gamer but i just wanna get this setup phase over and done with. Thanks for any help guys. :)

Story of a successful expedition

We showed up at the Target on the south side of Tucson at 3:30 this morning. There was a group of people, kids, teenagers, and a couple of adults, all hanging out in a pickup truck. They formed up a line as soon as we showed up. They had actually tried to line up at 10:30 last night, but security kicked them out, saying that there were only 9 Wii's available and that they didn't want to create a mob scene. (As if keeping people from lining up would do that.) Shortly after that an older lady and her some got in the line. She said she'd called and was told that there would be 30 available. But everyone in line took a count, and determined that they were #8 in line, so if there were indeed only 9 they would be OK. Everyone started chatting, and it became clear that no one was going to let anyone cut in line, or let anyone lose their spot in line. It was a great group of people.

Soon after the last two showed up, one more couple showed up. Then a bunch of people got in the line; it quickly tripled in size. About 5:30 a Target employee came out and informed everyone that there were only 9 Wii's and 8 PS3's available, and that tickets would be handed out at 7:00. That took care of most of the line right there. While we were waiting, we were chatting, watching DVD's on laptops, playing video games, and just having a good time. Turns out none of us were buying the console to put it on eBay, which was pretty sweet. A few more people showed up in line, including one guy who said he was going to buy four of them and eBay them. (Really skeezy looking guy too.) Most of the people who got in line after were talking about putting the Wii's on eBay. Meanwhile, a line was forming at EB Games in the same shopping center... those guys were going to have to wait until 10:00 for theirs, and there were only 6 available. A bunch of the ones who left after the announcement tried their luck in that line.

7:00 came around and the tickets were handed out. We were #7 in line - it was one of those "wow, I'm really going to get one of these" feelings when I got the ticket. There was a grand total of one person taking a ticket for a PS3. After some whooping and hollering and high-fiving, we scattered for a bit, to Starbucks and McDonalds in search of food, drinks, and most importantly, restrooms.

7:45, and we're all back at the door, with excited chatter among those of us lucky enough to get tickets. People start showing up and waiting at the entrance; a few of them jam themselves in right up against the door, planning to make a mad dash for the electronics department. At 7:55, an employee comes up and announces that those with tickets need to line up. A bunch of the people waiting leave, figuring out that this isn't going to be their day. But several still try to slip past when they open the door for us, only to learn that no ticket = no Wii. At the electronics counter, the employees are deciding that they might as well stock the PS3's in the case, since no one seems to be coming in for them. 10 minutes later we're walking out of Target with a Wii console!

I owe this to my wife. She really did something awesome by suggesting that she'd be willing to wait outside the store with me to get a Wii. This is not the type of thing she normally does, but she did, and we had a lot of fun. I wouldn't go out and wait alone because I'd get bored in no time flat, and I'm a world-class fidgeter who would have trouble waiting in a line that long. She scored a lot of cool points with me for doing this - she rocks! Oh, and she's hooked on Wii Sports already!

And after playing for a while... ay yi yi, my arms are sore! But it's a blast!
well done

still it amazes me that you have to go through so much to get one

like i said earlier i simply walked into a shop at lunchtime about a week after the launch and brought one on the spot

In Australia that is
Waited 3 hours this morning for mine at our mall here. Was ticket #1, Gamestop only had 5 come in and I snagged one up. Can't wait to play it on Xmas too. Figured I wouldn't get one until afterwards, but got a tip on the Wii's coming in so I shot for it. I almost got killed by all these people, old women cussing at me, young men threatening me with physical violence. It was really quite pathetic, but know I was #1 and got one and they didn't and had to leave, and the fact they wait 3 extra hours before me, yet I got lucky by going to a different entrance than them makes me feel really good right now. ;)
Oh hey to the last 5 posts or so up....... to get your wii online you need a Nintendo wifi usb connector or just use a wireless router. But you need DSL or a higher speed of internet plus it tells you all int the Wii manuel. Also the wii code is on your Adress book in the message board.
I Got Mine The 1st Day They Came Out Down Here In Florida, It Was Easy To Find One In The Orlando Area, With The 9 Best Buys, 23 Wal-marts, 21 Targets, Tons Of EB Games ETC. We Had No Shortage Here But They All Did Sell Out. I Have Yet To Really Shut It Off LoL. Its To Fun
i got it the first day it came out i waited 16 hours in below freezing temps at a best buy near me it was deff worth it and it was fun making friends with strangers and trying to keep ourselve entertained for so long it was like they were my 2nd family
I couldn't be any happier. Today I was at Heathrow Airport waiting for flight going bck to Hong Kong. While I was waiting for gate to open I walked across HMV and I saw a notice "Wii is now in stock". Finally I bought two wiis one for myself and one for relatives. I have been searching for it since its launch and can't believe airport is the place that I can find it!

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