Official Guitar Hero Friend Code Thread

Just a Heads up Guys

This Shadow3401 is a complete Joke. Quits all match's as soon as he/she is getting pwned.

Its people like this that make online games suck. I mean it wasnt even ranked!

So, just a warning from your friendly wiichatter brendo.

steer clear.

Peace out, Happy rocking!:cool:
Dude its called tired %&$%! It was 10:00 and I am happy too woop your a sometime any! Do not listen to him!
brendo said:
Just a Heads up Guys

This Shadow3401 is a complete Joke. Quits all match's as soon as he/she is getting pwned.

Its people like this that make online games suck. I mean it wasnt even ranked!

So, just a warning from your friendly wiichatter brendo.

steer clear.

Peace out, Happy rocking!:cool:
Dude its called tired %&$%! It was 10:00 and I am happy too woop your a sometime any! Do not listen to him!
my friend code for guitar hero 3 is 223452955598 band name good jorb

i like to play co op mainly pro face is ok too i play expert