Official Guitar Hero Friend Code Thread

Black Jack said:
Why am I doing this?
1. Your getting more money
2. Your getting better by 5 starring every song
3. If you 5 star all the songs for a difficultly setting you get a bonus guitar unlockable

Black Jack said:
So, when you play online, how do you communicate with your online partner/opponent to know what you're going to do?
When you go online you either try to join a game or create a game.
The creator of the game selects a best out of setting. Best out of 1,3,5,7 etc.
If it's best out of 1 the creator selects the song
If it's best out of 3 you both pick 1 song
If it's best out of 5 you both pick 2 songs
If it's best out of 7 you both pick 3 songs

It's a good system really :)

If your linked up to join our Group!
Wii Rockers UK

Code is in my Sig. PM me if you add me
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Black Jack said:
coop mode would be fun. I have not problem with that. I haven't even mastered the easy level yet. I've just finished beating slash on easy, but it took me 2 tries. I'm working my way through the career before I move to medium. My kids mostly play the same few songs over and over, one of them up to expert! :crazy:

As of this morning, only GAMEJUNKIE and INFERNO10 show up on my friends list. I have a long list of pending friends, but your name isn't there yet newbish. I see your code in the pending list. I thought it would have been quicker than this. Can you check to me sure you entered my friend code right? I also have you pending, LoveWii. Did you add me as a friend?

How do we communicate when we are playing online?

I have you on my list, Black jack! I notice you're on line very often. ;)
srt4owns said:
184800192376 thats my guitar hero code and my name is SRT4 add me and pm me i want friends to play dammit

I'm guessing you own an SRT4? My boyfriend had one of those ...

Anyways ...

Just got GH3 tonight -- my user name is "Heimbo Naner" ... My friend code is 494042905131 (for GH3) and 1276 0972 0842 6367 (for the Wii)

I've never played GH before, so right now I'm sticking to "easy" - sorry - I'm getting better though ... I want some friends to play with, though :) PM me or AIM me if u add me :)
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Wii_Smurf said:
1. Your getting more money
2. Your getting better by 5 starring every song
3. If you 5 star all the songs for a difficultly setting you get a bonus guitar unlockable

When you go online you either try to join a game or create a game.
The creator of the game selects a best out of setting. Best out of 1,3,5,7 etc.
If it's best out of 1 the creator selects the song
If it's best out of 3 you both pick 1 song
If it's best out of 5 you both pick 2 songs
If it's best out of 7 you both pick 3 songs

It's a good system really :)

If your linked up to join our Group!
Wii Rockers UK

Code is in my Sig. PM me if you add me

Thanks Wii Smurf. Very helpful. I'll add you as a friend when I get home later tonight. I'm also signed up on guitarhero. Haven't joined any groups yet, so I'll join the Wii Rockers UK. Does it matter that I'm in the US?

EDIT: I joined the Wii Rockers UK group. My account is twinders. It is linked back to my GH online account Black Jack. Since we have several different people playing it doesn't show my personal abilities but a mix of everyone in the family and the occasional guest. Not sure if that matters.
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eskiemong said:
I have you on my list, Black jack! I notice you're on line very often. ;)

Yes, I saw you show up as a friend yesterday. That's great!

Sometimes I leave the Wii on overnight with GH running, so, seeing me online may not indicate I'm actually in front of it. ;) Try to issue a match and see what happens. Never know.
my friend code is in my me if you want to play on expert. (everyone add me)
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If you're going to play with someone, please PM them.. and not double/triple post on this thread to make it more organized. Thanks..

>_> My code WAS in my sig.. But.. yeah.