Official Graphics Comments & Criticism

demonflair said:
May I ask if the tutorials don't help you in that matter??

Well, I have tried tute's but none have really helped me further my skill in gimp. . .

Mike recomended gamerenders tutes but i have tried GIMP Talk tutes.

I was thinking maybe grunge but then again i can't brush and i dont think grunge will work well.
Jam Who hates GIMP said:
Well, I have tried tute's but none have really helped me further my skill in gimp. . .

Mike recomended gamerenders tutes but i have tried GIMP Talk tutes.

I was thinking maybe grunge but then again i can't brush and i dont think grunge will work well.

I think that you don't like GIMP :lol:

Ever thought of getting Photoshop?? It's always the best choice :)
I dont hate GIMP, I just can't do anything on it:lol:
Remember those old AVP promotion posters?

I have an idea.

Jam said:
Remember those old AVP promotion posters?

I have an idea.


Hope it is a great idea :)
Nah It would be, or not... :lol:

There are really good AVP renders, make sure that you choose a bad-ass render, n00bs like that kind of stuff, you know what happened with Mike right?? With that Starcraft render.
demonflair said:
Hope it is a great idea :)
Nah It would be, or not... :lol:

There are really good AVP renders, make sure that you choose a bad-ass render, n00bs like that kind of stuff, you know what happened with Mike right?? With that Starcraft render.
Everyone prefers 'bad-ass renders' not just noobs :)
Wiired said:
Everyone prefers 'bad-ass renders' not just noobs :)

Of course, but if someone has a bad-ass render, and if another one has a bad-ass bg in the sig, what do you think that n00bs will choose??
My render wont work for me.

The way i need it will mine i have to render the render >.<
I made a new sig and a thump sig.
:( Its sad that it loses so much quality as a gif....



YAAY..... I'm making more now!!
Monsteroids said:
I made a new sig and a thump sig.
:( Its sad that it loses so much quality as a gif....



YAAY..... I'm making more now!!

not bad, glad to hear your making more =)

but i dont like the "thump" animation, but besides that, its pretty good IMP.

about a 7/10
Random: I dunno how to use photoshop at all. I like GIMP!!!!!

I'm takin' a teeny break from my sig.