Official Graphics Comments & Criticism

Have to agree
Just made this. I kept it Plain because the guy in it is very Plain himself :)

>.>...just a bit too plain, same with my chao one >.>

anyways here's my latest avatars, if anyone wants to use them just pm me






I made this one for my brother packman
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err here are some tips to you GFX-ers, that i dont see on sigs, add a light source, focal point, BORDER, make sure the text blends in, dont make it to big, and what SSBB said, dont overdo it...well thats all i can think of for now


iRAWR said:
err here are some tips to you GFX-ers, that i dont see on sigs, add a light source, focal point, BORDER, make sure the text blends in, dont make it to big, and what SSBB said, dont overdo it...well thats all i can think of for now

Not got a Light Source [Using a Spotlight?]
It's got a White Border, Hard to see
The text was meant to be Bold.
I don't think I overdid it...

I got most of them. I'll make a new sig I see how that turns out :)
a simple way to add a light source is use a 65-300 white soft brush. or soft omni light effect..wel those are what i use
Thanks for the advice

How Rawr, How'd you get that strip of light on yours? I used to know but I forgot :(


Ok, I used

- Light Source
- Blended Text
- Border

What do you think? I personally like it. Im only a beginner. Any advice is much Appreciated :)

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What do you think? I personally like it. Im only a beginner. Any advice is much Appreciated

Tip for adding borders:

Go to Layer > New Layer .. Image > Apply Image. From there click on the "box" icon and outline your signature. After that go to Edit > Stroke > 1px white inside stroke > Click ok. Then repeat this step. However this time change the colour to something that matches your signature and change the stroke location to "outside" instead of inside. A border similar can be seen below in my "Version 1" Signature.

Two versions.. Don't know which one to use as my signature..

Version 1:


Version 2:

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Wii_Smurf said:
Thanks for the advice

How Rawr, How'd you get that strip of light on yours? I used to know but I forgot :(

it was light the whole time, i just used the recatngle tool and made a box in the middle, inverse it , fill it with black and set it to multply

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