Official EV Training Thread.

Yeah, the +63 is only fully accepted at level 100, I've said it many times and it is in the guide. You couldn't fully EV train a level 5 and level it up to raise 63 in a stat, that would be ridiculous. Lower levels the stats are more proportional.
I'm about to start EV training 6 pokemon so I can try to have a superstrong party... Could someone PM me the best nature that would go for Toxicroak (Croagunk), Arcanine (Growlithe), Pikachu, Swampert (Mudkip), Tyranitar (Larvitar), and Metagross (Beldum)

PS. Also if you think my party choice needs some help, PM what you think I should use. However if you do, give me the best nature for them too.
Toxicroak - Adamant/Joly
Arcanine - Modest/Adamant/Jolly/Timid
Jolteon (get rid of pikachu) - Timid
Swampert - Adamant
T-Tar - Adamant
Metagross - Adamant/Jolly
Gee... why don't you find me an Electric type that is better as adamant and I can make me a whole Adamant Party
:lol: then u can have an adamant Electrive or Jolly Electrive. but u need to have some defencive walls coz ur team is too attacking
what I chose is:
Toxicroak (Adamant)
Arcanine (Modest)
Jolteon (Timid)
Swampert (Adamant)
Tyrananitar (Adamant)
Metagross (Adamant
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And does good damage to toxixcroak as well (not weak thanks do fight, but poison is weak against it)
Chicagoan said:
And does good damage to toxixcroak as well (not weak thanks do fight, but poison is weak against it)

and automatic OHKO against psychics. Unless you teach it sucker punch for such as Alakazam, Gengar, Starmie, Espeon and Etc.

P.S. best held item for Toxicroak is Life Orb. :b

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