The Pokemon Game


What Goes Here?
Oct 14, 2012
Moo Moo Meadows
Wii Online Code
Hi All! Here are the rules:

This is the Pokemon Game. The game's purpose is basically this: If you were a Pokemon, what would be your Type, learnset (Levels you learn moves), height, weight, catch rate, stats, Poke'athlon stats (OPTIONAL), your reputation (Legendary, psuedo-legendary, non legendary), Breeding group (OPTIONAL), EV's (The EV's that you give out when someone defeats you, and yes, OPTIONAL), encounter rate (OPTIONAL), egg moves,the reigion you can be found in and your abilities. The next poster shall do the same, and Rate the movesets etc. produced by the poster above. Understood? I'll start:

Type: Dragon
Height: 4ft 11inch.
Weight: 238.5 lbs
Catch rate: 90
Breeding Group: Dragon & Field
Stats: 85 Base HP, 140 Base Attack, 75 Base Defense, 110 Base Special Attack, 90 Base Special Defense, 95 Base Speed.
Reputation: Psuedo-Legendary
Encounter Rate: 40%
Egg Moves: Dragon Rush, Fire Punch, Aqua Tail, Aerial Ace and Iron Head.
Abilities: Moxie, Hydration.
Reigion: Sinnoh.
Learnset: Lvl 1 (Dragon Claw, Tail Whip)
Lvl 10: Dragon Dance
Lvl 18: Bite
Lvl 27: Dragon Breath
Lvl 34: Twister
Lvl 40: Outrage
Lvl 49: Earthquake
Lvl 55: Crunch
Lvl 64: Heat Wave

*NOTICE*: If you are a Dragon, Grass, Fire or Water Type, DO NOT list the Move Tutor Moves. (Frenzy Plant, etc.) It is clearly obvious you can learn them as those types.

i ****in h8 those emoticons

That's the point, those 'dex entries are 100% random. Makes for some mighty lulz. Consider it an alternative for the people who're too lazy/uninterested to type up a big ol' Pokebio of themselves.
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i ****in h8 those emoticons

That's the point, those 'dex entries are 100% random. Makes for some mighty lulz. Consider it an alternative for the people who're too lazy/uninterested to type up a big ol' Pokebio of themselves.
I hear ya, but PLEASE, use the thread for how it was intended to be. Post your stuff, rate mine, and then We can talk after, got it?

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