Official Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare [Reflex Edition] Topic

I got this game a few days ago. I am kinda getting good at the multiplayer.
Here is my name:

Look for me on multiplayer.
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  • #394
K, so the news is that the tournament is rescheduled for Sunday, the 6th. Also, make SURE EVERYONE messages me there team members, team name, and FC's. Remember to have your partners FC and your opponents. Were shooting for 3:30 Pacific, 4:30 Mountain, 5:30 Central, and 6:30 Eastern.
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  • #396
Alright, right now I'm getting everything organized.
Entries: 10
IceIceBaby & Prinplup [Ego Crushers]
Johnny100 & Johny 999 [John & John]
Blackhawk2 & Fasho Caiz [Fasho Hawk]
KAOL & Hauenstein [Banzai Bulls]
[DS]Leader & jnc1421 [Banzai Panthers]
(Any time a name has 'Banzai' in front of it, it means that team didn't give me a name to there team, so I made one myself)
Remember: 3:30 Pacific, 4:30 Mountain, 5:30 Central, 6:30 Eastern.
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  • #397
make sure to exchange fc's with your teammate and opponents.
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  • #398
Call of Duty Modern Warfare: Reflex Tournament Matchups!
Round 1:
Banzai Panthers ([DS]Leader & jnc1421 ) vs. Ego Crushers (IceIceBaby & Prinplup) Map: Bog
John & John (Johnny100 & Johny999) vs. Fasho Hawk (Blackhawk2 & Fasho Caiz) Map: Backlot

And the Banzai Bulls get the lucky first bye! This means they automatically go to the second round without having to play a match, Congratulations!

Note: Everything here was randomly chosen!
Also, the first round begins 3:30 Pacific, 4:30 Mountain, 5:30 Central, and 6:30 Eastern.
Get your teammates FC's and your opponents FC's. Match up together at a private match with Regular Team Deathmatch rules, IT IS SINGLE ELIMANATION, set the map to whatever it says the map is supposed to be, play for 10 minutes, and play ONE match, then report back to me with the winner. And don't lie, because if both teams say they won, I'll disqualify both.

BTW, in round 2, we will have another lucky bye team. It can't be the Banzai Bulls, because they've already had one, so it will be either the victor from Bog, or the victor from Backlot. Then the Banzai Bulls will play the team that didn't get the lucky bye. Whoever wins this match, goes to the Championship, then plays the lucky bye team from round 2. Whoevers wins here, are the Champions.

Good luck to everybody who is entered!!
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  • #400
Right now I do not, because your the only one who sent me an FC. Just ask for them. Message johnny100 for both the FC's. I can't do all this for you guys, you have to help out.
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  • #402
Hauenstein made this list. Thanks so much!
here is the list of the fc's & nicks I have so far.

Team Ego Crushers[GIA]Faze4549-1994-7947wiichat (IceIceBaby)wiichat (Prinplup)Team Banzai Panthers wiichat ([DS]Leader)jmc1stabbedu0104-8744-4605wiichat (jnc1421)Team John & John3591-0733-0225wiichat (Johnny100)1332-0664-6002wiichat (Johny999)Team DominationUNSEEN NUKE0561-3606-7458 wiichat (fasho caiz)wiichat (Blackhawk2)Team Banzai Bullshauenstien4106-3914-5222wiichat (hauenstien)wiichat (KAOL)
Hi there!

Hi Everyone,Just found this site and thought it might be useful to chat to people who are trying to accomplish the same as me! I spend too much of my life on the internet and look forward to chatting to you all and picking up and sharing ideas along the way!Allan
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  • #404
Team Trade!
The Banzai Panthers have traded jnc1421 to the Banzai Bulls for Hauenstein.
Round 1:
Banzai Panthers (Hauenstein & jnc1421 ) vs. Ego Crushers (IceIceBaby & Prinplup) Map: Bog
John & John (Johnny100 & Johny999) vs. Fasho Hawk (Blackhawk2 & Fasho Caiz) Map: Backlot

And the Banzai Bulls get the lucky first bye! This means they automatically go to the second round without having to play a match, Congratulations!

Note: Everything here was randomly chosen!
Also, the first round begins 3:30 Pacific, 4:30 Mountain, 5:30 Central, and 6:30 Eastern.
Get your teammates FC's and your opponents FC's. Match up together at a private match with Regular Team Deathmatch rules, IT IS SINGLE ELIMANATION, set the map to whatever it says the map is supposed to be, play for 10 minutes, and play ONE match, then report back to me with the winner. And don't lie, because if both teams say they won, I'll disqualify both.

BTW, in round 2, we will have another lucky bye team. It can't be the Banzai Bulls, because they've already had one, so it will be either the victor from Bog, or the victor from Backlot. Then the Banzai Bulls will play the team that didn't get the lucky bye. Whoever wins this match, goes to the Championship, then plays the lucky bye team from round 2. Whoevers wins here, are the Champions.

Good luck to everybody who is entered!!

Matches begin in 20 minutes!!