Modern Warfare 2

The only reason I bought the 360 was based on one fact:

There's more crap.
thankyou for clearing that up for me but shuld i still purchase another system for modern warfare 2 or wait for the wii version

You should wait until closer to November. By then there should be more details about MW Wii and MW2, so you can see how the Wii version matches up.
FPSs just feel better to play on a 360 controller. I love the triggers on it.

On topic: Kinda sucks y'all have COD4 while the other two consoles get the sequel to a fine game. Maybe you'll get Goldeneye007 one day.
Yeah but the PS3 is just better than the 360.
Hello, everyone StickMode comes!!

Ah, Ha, HA, this is for the xbox360/ps3 owners : I TOLD YOU!!

Finally Activision will put the complete COD franchise on the Wii. Well, the next year will we have MW2 too, I hope from IW...

This is for Treyarch: You want to do a better version of MW on the Wii and We want this too. To do this improve the COD4 engine to output graphics as close the xbox360/ps3 (there's no excuses this time becose RE:Darkside Chronicles raises the graphics bar), include all the features and modes, advanced on-line support, Wiispeak support, motion+ support and of course DLC, again DLC all Map-packs the original version has.

If you do so, this version will be THE BEST AND THE DEFINITIVE VERSION!!

We don't expect less Treyarch!!
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lol the only thing that I dont agree with is that the x-box online is way better then the PS3 sure... there might be some diffrences but I mean u pay for it it has to be slightly better and the only thing im gunna wanna do is play games online so.... ive seen both PS3 and xbox 360 online for CoD4 and CoD5 and they are the exact same

Hello, everyone StickMode comes!!

Ah, Ha, HA, this is for the xbox360/ps3 owners : I TOLD YOU!!

Finally Activision will put the complete COD franchise on the Wii. Well, the next year will we have MW2 too, I hope from IW...

This is for Treyarch: You want to do a better version of MW on the Wii and We want this too. To do this improve the COD4 engine to output graphics as close the xbox360/ps3 (there's no excuses this time becose RE:Darkside Chronicles raises the graphics bar), include all the features and modes, advanced on-line support, Wiispeak support, motion+ support and of course DLC, again DLC all Map-packs the original version has.

If you do so, this version will be THE BEST AND THE DEFINITIVE VERSION!!

We don't expect less Treyarch!!

i totallly agreee the CoD 5 version is nothing but a cheap ripoff the maps are completly not worked on the game modes dont exceed i think 10 (i could be wrong) the xbox and PS3 versions of the games are way better so y not putting as much as u can in next time huh Treyarch?
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Yeah but the PS3 is just better than the 360.

CrocoLylee said:

Agreed with these guys for a number of reasons.

1) Tech Problems. RROD's failure rate is alarmingly high. And if you run out of the extended warrenty, you're effed. Disk Scratching. If you move the 360 while playing, you get some nice little rings around your disk that make it unplayable. I know a few friends that had to shell out extra $ to get them fixed. Great job M$.

2) Pay to use Live. Really, M$? We all knew you were greedy, but this is ridiculous. Sure, it's a bit better than the PSN, but not really that much. OOhhh, we can connect facebook with our gamertags AND THEN watch movies with our virtual friends!!11!! I don't give a **** about any of that. Both online services work the way they should in online games.

3) Wifi not built in. If you can't use ethernet because it won't reach from your console, yay!! You get to shell out another $70-100 to buy a new router that works with the 360. PS3 has wifi built in.

4) Exclusvies. This is all my opinion. Halo is not a good game. Your character moves like he has anvils tied to him. No sprinting. Floaty jump controls that screw you if you jump at the wrong moment. Screaming 9 year olds on the mics. Unbalanced weaponry.

And the biggest one of all: It takes soooo freakin long to kill someone. I couldn't care less about Gears either but I won't get into that. What else is there? Forza? Gran Turismo beats it. Splinter Cell? It's good, but not worth getting a console for. You tell me. I'm happily playing Killzone 2, LittleBigPlanet, Motorstorm, Uncharted, Ratchet, WipEout, MLB The Show, games like that.

I guess I just prefer my Playstation. If I'm being unreasonable and should buy a 360, be my guest, explain yourself.
Agreed with these guys for a number of reasons.

1) Tech Problems. RROD's failure rate is alarmingly high. And if you run out of the extended warrenty, you're effed. Disk Scratching. If you move the 360 while playing, you get some nice little rings around your disk that make it unplayable. I know a few friends that had to shell out extra $ to get them fixed. Great job M$.

2) Pay to use Live. Really, M$? We all knew you were greedy, but this is ridiculous. Sure, it's a bit better than the PSN, but not really that much. OOhhh, we can connect facebook with our gamertags AND THEN watch movies with our virtual friends!!11!! I don't give a **** about any of that. Both online services work the way they should in online games.

3) Wifi not built in. If you can't use ethernet because it won't reach from your console, yay!! You get to shell out another $70-100 to buy a new router that works with the 360. PS3 has wifi built in.

4) Exclusvies. This is all my opinion. Halo is not a good game. Your character moves like he has anvils tied to him. No sprinting. Floaty jump controls that screw you if you jump at the wrong moment. Screaming 9 year olds on the mics. Unbalanced weaponry.

And the biggest one of all: It takes soooo freakin long to kill someone. I couldn't care less about Gears either but I won't get into that. What else is there? Forza? Gran Turismo beats it. Splinter Cell? It's good, but not worth getting a console for. You tell me. I'm happily playing Killzone 2, LittleBigPlanet, Motorstorm, Uncharted, Ratchet, WipEout, MLB The Show, games like that.

I guess I just prefer my Playstation. If I'm being unreasonable and should buy a 360, be my guest, explain yourself.

1) Microsoft screwed up in the beginning, but their recent hardware switches have made the system much more reliable. Accompanied with the 3 Year warranty on the RROD and E74, it's good enough.

2) 13 Month Live Cards for $40 is great for online in my opinion. From my experiences with both systems, the Party system alone is worth the $40 a year I give to Microsoft. Along with the extra things incorporated in (tons of demos, content, a plethora of arcade games, and DLC), I can't complain.

3) You got me there. Luckily, I have a wired connection.

4) Halo 3 isn't the only exclusive. There are many other gems out there for the console. Just to name a few: Mass Effect, Crackdown, Lost Odyssey, Left 4 Dead, Braid, etc.

And your last snippet there is based on your choice of console and preference. My 360 library is much larger than my PS3 collection, but I have my share of exclusives on both consoles. Since I got my 360 3 months ago, I've traded/bought 45 games on the 360, most of them being older gems when released in '05-'07
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