Nunchuk you need four?

but i dont think any realises the technology that is in the wii mote it is way more complicated then a normal game pad just the speaker it self will cost a bit to have the cirsuits and actual speaker in and it has to send messages wirelessy and also the rumble so yeah you have to consider that before baggin out the price
Wiired said:
I don't think barely any of my friends are gonna get a Wii, just coz they don't know much about it and see it as a kiddies console, but when they come round mine to play in the future, that'll probably persuade a couple to get it too.
It's almost been a mission of mine to tell people about the Wii. I've converted quite a few people now, just by explaining how to play, what games are like, online functionality etc...

Heck I even told my mum and dad (don't like computer games), and even they seemed a little interested. Once I go over there for xmas (hopefully), I will take my Wii along with me, and let them give it a spin! :yesnod:

Sam Harris said:
but i dont think any realises the technology that is in the wii mote it is way more complicated then a normal game pad just the speaker it self will cost a bit to have the cirsuits and actual speaker in and it has to send messages wirelessy and also the rumble so yeah you have to consider that before baggin out the price
I think it's more of the combinations and application of numerous technological devices. Each one (I think) has been in something else, but never in a games console controller. With all that kit all in one remote, you can see how it comes to £30. Also, you can see how the nunchaku and the classic controller comes in at half the price.

Still, Nintendo lived up to their price promise. Heck, even if they said "No games, no controllers, no cables, no stand" and still have it $250, then they'd still have kept their promise (but admittidly lost a few customers). In the end, it's still a good deal. I think any speculation (due to the nature of the revolutionary Wii console) will be overblown, and become a little dissapointing when given shape in reality (holographic projector?).
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nintendude49 said:

Yeah, my budget can afford it i guess, but the thing that really got me is that, Nintendo keeps saying that it'll be for everyone, and nice a cheap. 250, not bad at all compared to ps3, but then they announce the controller and nunchuk stuff. for just the console, wii sports, and for full controllers your looking at 430$............I mean you pay more for a controller than a game.

Yes, its still better than the xbox 360 and ps3, but it just seems abit contrary to what they were saying.

Don't get me wrong, Nintendo is by far the coolest. its always had the best games (Nintendo has Mario,DK, Zelda, Metroid, and the like, Whats Microsoft or Sony have?

yeah i understand what u mean...:yesnod:
my brother doesnt want to sending $60 for the wiimote and controll...but he will probably get it anyway :)
the nintendo website said there would be ports for gamecube controllers. my budget is pretty tight, so could i play the new games using my old controllers?
brunosundov1 said:
the nintendo website said there would be ports for gamecube controllers. my budget is pretty tight, so could i play the new games using my old controllers?

ask in wii basics instead of bringing back an old thread and I will awnser, but thats just me.
It's almost been a mission of mine to tell people about the Wii. I've converted quite a few people now, just by explaining how to play, what games are like, online functionality etc...
Also a misison for me, a failed one :( My friends either have a 360 and/or are getting the ps3. THey'll have to see it for themselves to persuade them
I think you will find that in the case of most multiplayer games where players are playing simultaneously, the nunchuck attachment will not be utilized as much as it seems.

For example, it isn't required for Wii Sports(trivial argument, I know) and SSBB is already slated for GameCube controllers being mandatory... at which point the GameCube controllers may be had for under $10.

I strongly believe that Nintendo will make strides to break away from the "two hands on the controller, couch potato"-esque gaming experience and try to engage users into creative ways of playing.

Sure, ExciteTruck is one exception to this, but granted, Nascar fans are already fat, so it doesn't matter.
nintendude49 said:

Yeah, my budget can afford it i guess, but the thing that really got me is that, Nintendo keeps saying that it'll be for everyone, and nice a cheap. 250, not bad at all compared to ps3, but then they announce the controller and nunchuk stuff. for just the console, wii sports, and for full controllers your looking at 430$............I mean you pay more for a controller than a game.

Yes, its still better than the xbox 360 and ps3, but it just seems abit contrary to what they were saying.

Don't get me wrong, Nintendo is by far the coolest. its always had the best games (Nintendo has Mario,DK, Zelda, Metroid, and the like, Whats Microsoft or Sony have?

Dont get me wrong im all for Nintendo and will be picking a Wii up but Microsoft has quite a bit of things. Halo, Gears of War, COD3 Online, Oblivion, Splinter Cell will be a hell of a game coming out in a couple weeks, and not to really mention but Xbox live i dont think can be beat. Sony has MGS series, COD3 online, Oblivion, and some others also. All the systems have theyre games that will help sell the system, Wii isnt the only one with the system selling games.
Letemburn said:
Dont get me wrong im all for Nintendo and will be picking a Wii up but Microsoft has quite a bit of things. Halo, Gears of War, COD3 Online, Oblivion, Splinter Cell will be a hell of a game coming out in a couple weeks, and not to really mention but Xbox live i dont think can be beat. Sony has MGS series, COD3 online, Oblivion, and some others also. All the systems have theyre games that will help sell the system, Wii isnt the only one with the system selling games.

You mentioned COD3, Oblivion and Splinter Cell a lot. I would ignore those as they are available on both consoles, and probably on the PC. PS3 is left with MGS... And Xbox has Halo (Boring now) and Gears Of War, which we will have to play before we can decide whether or not it's good. Last I heard it had framerate issues.
My fiance still kicks herself because she missed out on an opportunity to buy a bright orange Gamecube controller...

well shes in envy now, ive got four of em :)

On Topic: The nunchunk does look awfully expensive and i do think that nintendo should sell them separate, but still including bundles of course, to save money.

With the muliplayer, there will definately be multiplayer requirements for the nunchunk. What about Metroid Prime? It is pretty likely to have multiplayer after hunters and will most certainly need the nunchunk used in it.
Diomedes said:
well shes in envy now, ive got four of em :)
*My fiance bursts out into tears of envy.*

Wow. 4 orange Gamecube controllers? We can't even find one!
Diomedes said:
well shes in envy now, ive got four of em :)

On Topic: The nunchunk does look awfully expensive and i do think that nintendo should sell them separate, but still including bundles of course, to save money.

With the muliplayer, there will definately be multiplayer requirements for the nunchunk. What about Metroid Prime? It is pretty likely to have multiplayer after hunters and will most certainly need the nunchunk used in it.

For the core gamer, buying controllers for games they know they're going to love, such as Metroid Corruption, is simply water under the bridge.

However, for the more budget conscious person, I have news for you:

Nintendo is going to license their products out to third party hardware manufacturers, as they always do, so don't be surprised if you see a Wiimote and nunchuck that are designed better than Nintendo's for around $30 bundled.
ghghgh14702 said:
most games will probably need the nunchuk to play except the majority of Wii sports/Wii play games since the analog stick is on the nunchuk and you use that for movement on most games, and the movement on the nunchuk is also used quite a bit on some games, make your friends get thier own controller atleast, tell then its only $60 and thier mii will be stored in it for anyone else they are leaching Wii playtime off of.

I'm pretty sure that Nintendo said to IGN that the majority of Wii games won't require the Nunchuck controller. It may seem like a lot of games do now but in the grand sceme of things it won't be a that big of a number.
Wii_Rulez said:
I'm pretty sure that Nintendo said to IGN that the majority of Wii games won't require the Nunchuck controller. It may seem like a lot of games do now but in the grand sceme of things it won't be a that big of a number.

Seconded. As I mentioned earlier, you're going to run into more instances where the alternative uses for the Wiimore will come into play than the nunchuck being necessary.

There might even be an option with some games where the Wiimote and nunchuck become equivalent to the GameCube controller, so you could mix and match using both simultaneously... or more interestingly, use 4 of each for a total of 8 players.