Secumfex said:Hmmm Baroque and Fragile don't really seem to fit into the list.
They just seem to be Japanese RPG styled games, that don't really focus on a dark, scary athmosphere. But I haven't hearded any deeper information on the titles and therefore I'll just wait and see, wether my predictions are correct or not.
Fatal Frame seems to be much more of that horror based game. But it sounds like it's more the Adventure type of a game... But since Suda51 is part of the developers, I have no doubts that this game will be decent.
Sadness... Well... I really don't know anything about this game, since there are no news on it. Still, I have my hopes up for it, this may become a brilliant title... or not...
I believe that fatal frames 4 is an adventure game. I insure, even though its being published by nintendo, it will be a real horror game.