No Connect24 for the UK?

Well all the examples they gave were of items in which the standby mode was a non-essential feature, who gives a toss whether you can leave your tv on standby? Just get up and turn it on ¬_¬ However with the Wii one of its primary features involves a standby mode and to remove this would be to lessen the product and as such I don't believe that the law will affect it, it's more for products that don't need it.

Anyway I'm pretty well keyed up on the news reports and general laws in parliament and I've never heard of this specific movement, when was it put forward?

Oh and it doesn't really matter, if it were true it would take a good few years to ratify and put through by which time the consoles would have been on mass sale so no worriers. As someone in the article said it simply can't be though as everything we import would have to be devoid of a standby feature. No company is going to alter their designs simply for our country, everything we get is imported from Taiwan or somewhere, it will cost us more for the removal of the feature.

Heck look at it this way, I'll just leave my Wii on to download instead thus using about a quazillion times more power rather than the "less than a lightbulb" amount it would on standby so up yours government officials.
One thing I REALLY hope wont happen Is what happend to my DS when trying to connect to my wirless router.. I cant EVER play Mario Kart DS Wifi it is so annoying... It does work and my friends house though. But if that problem comes up I will just get a computer Techy to help me out :)
motherbrainrulez said:
Just read it again and I know this is a stupid rumour because they can't turn fridges off at night it would spoil al the food. Don't worry Uk gamers this is a big fat lie!

Sorry, it's real. The proposers of this new law are targetting TV and DVD player standby modes (they didn't mention games consoles, but presumably they mean them as well). A fridge is not in "standby" because it still performs an essential task. Also, it should be pointed out that this law might not pass.
Oxywolf said:
One thing I REALLY hope wont happen Is what happend to my DS when trying to connect to my wirless router.. I cant EVER play Mario Kart DS Wifi it is so annoying... It does work and my friends house though. But if that problem comes up I will just get a computer Techy to help me out :)
did you set up the WFC for your router. I know, stupid question; but as PC tech I see a lot of easy mistakes.

oops, almost forgot to post on topic. As for the argument that WC24 is while the console is off, what do you think standby is? It's when some functions of a device are active, while others are not. It's like a fridge is in standby when you close the door; the light is off, but the cooling system is still running. The fridge would be considered off during a power outage when the whole thing is inoperable. The fridge analogy is also literal. If this is for real, it can't be exactly as was stated in that article, forcing you to turn your fridge off would form a health risk.
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