Nintendo needs....


WiiChat Member
Mar 10, 2007
A solid online system. If they want to keep up with the 360 and/or PS3, they are going to need something very close to Xbox Live, forget the whole friend code thing, cause its really gay. If parents are worried about innapropriate language, don't let their kids use headsets. seriously. The only thing that is keeping the Wii in the race right now is the controller. And its getting pretty old, fast. My brother has a Wii and I was impressed with it when he first got it, but now its kinda just ehhhh. I am starting to want a 360 now because I doubt Nintendo is going to make a somehwhat decent online system. The DS is terrible everyone knows it. If Nintendo implements the same kind of system for "online security" its just gonna be completely gay.
I agree, Nintendo do need a solid online system, but at the moment, they don't need it, we as gamers might want it. In June we will get online, and in the lead up to June we will be given the full information of how online play will work with the Wii, so far, no solid information has been given by Nintendo.

On a side note, people continue to use "gay" as a derogatory term on this forum. I myself am not gay, but the use of this word as something that is bad I'm sure would offend some people, others it wouldn't. This has been discussed many times on here, I am just reiterating it again for wkutops32 who is a new member.

And so are you for posting a post with no revelance.


Was your post also of little relevance to the initial post?

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