Nintendo Wii or Xbox 360?

Thats because certain people only mention games that are widely known.

There's Oblivion, Mass Effect, Forza Motorsports 2, Burnout Paradise, Virtua Fighter 5, Dead or Alive 4, Dead Rising, Devil May Cry 4, Crackdown, Assassins Creed, Lost Odyssey, Viva Pinata, etc. etc. Also there's Too Human, GTA4, Fable 2, Ninja Gaiden 2, Splinter Cell Conviction, Gears of War 2, Fallout 3, etc. that are due for this year.

You could keep going, but im just making a point.
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i think i should get both...but as you said i think the xbox will hold me longer...I would LOVE to get the wii but I guess in the end I dont think SSBB will be good enough of a game to out wiegh the online Multiplayer games the 360 has to offer.
Good call. It is kind of a win win situation though because both consoles are great. If you get a box though make sure you get Bioshock. That game was too fun.
If you can't decide which console to get, get a PC! If you like shooters, the PC will definitely satisfy your needs. Most likely you already have a PC so just upgrade it to a decent gaming rig.

I own all three consoles and an awesome gaming rig, all via lifeguarding lol. I'll try to give you an unbiased opinion. I always consider the PC king, so I will leave the PC out of this.

The Wii offers really fun quick and easy gameplay. Games are just pick up and play and are especially fun if you have friends over. Wii sports always seems to be the 'default' game when we are bored and we've had many many intense tennis matches. Wii sports is definitely not a 100% casual game, you can get pretty intense if both sides are pretty good. As for hardcore games for the Wii, Brawl offers the best multiplayer fighting game right now and is definitely worthy of the one reason to buy a Wii. The Wii has the cool controls and the 'cool' thing to have these days because everyone knows about it. It's especially great to pick up chicks. If they know you have a Wii or you could bring it over and you could play together. easy. It's always "is that the thing where you move your arms around and play tennis on?" "yea, I have one, wanna play?" "Definitely most likely yes." The online play for Brawl, as of right now, is at it's lowest. Being crippled by all the people trying to play online. It will get better however, give it time. same thing happened to Mario Strikers Charged, disconnections and crazy lag the first week. After that, (and now) it's all smooth sailing and the only lag you get is only because of your own internet connection or the other player.

The 360 offers superb online play. Especially since you pay for it and they do a great job. Definitely worth it. Matchmaking, demos, etc. The whole marketplace is easy and online play is superb. You can get a mic too and that adds an element of fun when you dominate someone. For the 360, it's all about online. Single player is great but it's the online that sells it. As you said, games like Halo 3 and CoD4 are great. Don't forget the new Army of Two and Frontlines: Fuel of War. Both awesome games. If you have a decent internet connection and not afraid to shell out $50 a year, then it's perfect.

But please, don't forget about the PS3! This, i think, you should really look into. The online is free and offers most of the same great games that the 360 has, such as CoD4 and GTAIV. Exclusive games though, such as Halo 3, will still be console specific :/ But you do get MGS4, which is going to be one of the best stealth games out there. It has better hardware, although currently under utilized, the graphics will be much more prominent in the future and games will look so much better. The 360 has already reached it's peak (ex. Red Ring of Death) and devs are just mastering ways to make better algorithms. The PS3 however still has so much potential with it's Cell processors.

Lastly, hardware doesn't make a console, games do. Decide what games appeal to you, what kind of games too. Shooters will be prominent on the PS3 and 360. I must be honest, devs for the Wii just can't see the hidden potential in the Wii for shooters. But you never know, the Wii may one day become a hotspot for shooters. The Wii has fun pick up and play games, along with it's own group of hardcore games (SSBB, etc.). Controllers shouldn't be an issue. If you have a 360, you will get used to the analog sticks and if you have a Wii, you will get used to the Wiimote. It just takes time.

EDIT: and like T3K mentioned, there are tons of games out there for each console, probably some you may have never heard of but may be interested in.
{Axtlár} said:
you forgot to mention alot of good Wii games like Metroid Prime 3: Corruption, Endless Ocean, Battallion War 2, etc..
while endless ocean and battalion wars 2 are fun games, they are not "good" games that you would use to justice a purchase of a console.

stoopkid18 said:
xbox 360 has a bunch of good games that arent first person shooters. like mass effect and ...... o yea thats about it. good point. thats why you need to eventually get both, but i just think the online service of xbox live would be able to hold you over longer than the games on wii would. red rings of death is when your xbox 360 goes into hardware failure and will not work. it is caused by overheating problems in the xbox. however there is a now a three year warranty and microsoft is taking steps into solving that problem. that should not deter you from getting an xbox though. but the wii is a good choice too. i guess i wasn't much help
your username suits you well. (sorry i see that youre trying but you need to get some of your facts straight)
I wouldn't buy a 360, How many years has it been out now ? Microsoft will probably make an announcement that a new console will be available soon and you will regret your purchase.
Hardcore gaming --> PC
Fun gaming --> Wii

Playing an FPS with an xbox or ps3 gamepad? LOL.
It really first comes down to the type of games you like. BAsed on what you have said it seems like you could be happy in pretty much any aspect of gaming.

Now with Nintendo you will get more variety overall of game types and very dedicated and long list of 1st party games like Galaxy,SSBB,Mario Kart,Strikers,Mario Party ect.ect. But Nintendo hasn't been the best supported 3rd party game wise for some time now, and it's more of a gamble than a guarantee that the 3rd party will wise up enough to show support for the dominating console "sales wise".
Don't get me wrong they are getting some big titles like GH3,Rockband,Starwars, ect. But the big "hardcore titles" like GTA,COD,FF type games will not shine on the Wii unless they design it specific for the Wii as opposed to a cheep port, and so far this attutuide twards the Wii seems to be in the minority for 3rd party.

With 360 you get THE BEST online support with a few very good 1st party games, Beyond that you will also get almost a complete list of the top 3rd party titles aswell to join it. There has been hardware issues but as its been pointed out they are dealing with them and it seems to be very well so far.

If the games can't sway you one way or another ask yourself what type of gaming you do more.

Is most of your gaming by yourself or playing friends online? " If so go 360"

Or is most of your gaming shared with the company of friends in your home and the occasional online? "If so you want the Wii"

Touchy subject really only you can decide in the end based on your own taste.
T3kNi9e said:
Prime example of why you should not listen to the average Wii Chat person because this is a Wii forum and most of them are biased or they are just misinformed. There are PLENTY of non FPS games. Hell the next 5 or so games I do plan on buying for my 360 are not FPS games.


You should really just do your own research, and find out which current/announced games you'll enjoy playing the most.
I have both, all three consoles actually. I find I play my 360 the most, followed by the Wii, then the PS3 (mostly use it for Blu-rays). The 360 has the best online play by a mile. But with family and friends over, the Wii is the most fun! It all depends on what kinds of games you're into. I'm in love with Halo so I had to have the 360 but it sounds like you're a big SSB fan so maybe the Wii is for you.
I would say buy a wii first because it's cheaper, reliable, dependable, and different. You can buy a 360 in a few months when they come out with a better version with blu-ray because they need to compete with Sony. If you buy a 360 first like right now, a newer better version will be out soon and you just wasted your loot. You won't be dissapointed with the wii since you like Brawl. Plus there's Mario Galaxy where you can defy gravity, then grapple and shoot with Metroid, blow up zombies heads into pieces w/ RE4, fly and drift w/ Excite Truck, box, bowl, and slap some tennis balls w/ your granny or girlfriend if you have one w/ Wii Sports, Mario Strikers Charged even if you don't like soccer, slice your foes with the wiimote in Zelda, jump from 2d to 3d in Paper Mario, old skool VC Nintendo Games, become a genius w/ Big Brain and Zack n Wiki, shoot light gun arcade style w/ RE:UC, House of the Dead, Ghost Squad, the list goes on....
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