Nintendo Wii or Xbox 360?

I cant figure out what one I would like...

On one hand the 360 has: Gears of War, Halo 3, Call of Duty 4, Guitar hero 3

and on the other hand the Wii has: Super Smash Brothers Brawl, Mario Galaxy, and also Guitar Hero 3

Wii you dont have to pay for online while 360 you do..yet its only 50 dollars a year so its not too bad. Also Wii is about $100 cheaper ><

Im looking for peoples opinion and a reason for their choice of console.

Basically I will be playing online and I want a wii for SSBB but I want a 360 for CoD4/Halo3.

Please someone help me decide! Thanks!

I've had an xbox 360 since December 2007, and have played it continuously since and I am awaiting my very anticipated game of Halo Wars (even though I hate Halo). But today, my mothers boyfriend bought me and my brothers a Nintendo Wii today, so I went out and got myself World Tour for it. I've also got Metroid 3, Mario Kart and will be getting plenty of other games for it such as: House of the Dead 2 & 3, Super Smash Bros. Brawl and Resident Evil 4.

From what I've played so far of the Wii, and researching into recommended games, if you want a console that you will play games for longer than 24 hours, then I'd recommend the xbox 360. The Wii console is mostly for family games, such as Wii Play, Wii Fit and other titles for the console. It's more about movement too with the control, and FPS games would't work well on this unless the Zapper is used, which I need to purchase too.

But anyway, if you want a serious console for serious gaming and games that you will play continuously and never get bored of, go for the xbox 360 (and people do still play Call of Duty 4 on the 360, I still play it to this day, World at War sits on my shelf, gaining dust), but if you want a console that is a LOT OF FUN, and I mean A LOT OF FUN, but has a short life-time, unless you buy games like Mario Kart, Super Smash Bros. Brawl or World Tour, then I'd recommend the Nintendo Wii.

Both great consoles overall anyway. All I need now is the PS3 and Killzone 2. ;)
I would most likely go with Xbox 360. Because it just has alot of better games and better graphics than the Wii.

360 rocks for online play and the choice of games are much better the wii is good but only if you have the time to muck about with changing handsets my daughter loves it and its great for family gaming , but give me GRAW2 anyday
No thanks, not paying a grand for one em' and to update it every year or so with new components.

While i will admit computers are more expensive than the 360 its not really that bad.

I got a $900 machine in 05. Since then i have bought a gig of ram and a new video card for $200 total. My computer can still run new fun games, just bought Left 4 Dead a month or 2 ago, and thats 4 years later.

So an X-Box went for what $400 or so new, for the good package at least. My computer was $1100 total for the 4 year life span most game systems go in.

More money? Yes. Better gameing experiance? You bet it is.

Ill admit the X-Box is a great machine but its a casual weak ass subsititue for the PC. So i guess i can see people that dont want a pc, the price and having to know something about pc's to deal with issuses, but for me its PC all the way.

Thats where the Wii comes in. The Wii fills my causal experiance and when i really wanna game i go on my PC.

This was an old post but ill give my opinion anyways.

Get the system your friends play on is your best bet. If your in that 14-28ish age group and you like the CoD's, FPS's and need the uber grafix you want a 360. And if your like me and dont care so much about grafix, or maby have been a Nintendo fan since 87, you might want a Wii. Also the Wii has alot of good titles for multiplayer gaming with friend in real life, so if you have a friend with a Wii that lives close just go play on his lol.

On a side note, and again i know this is an old post, the Wii has some awesome looking titles comeing out in 09. Just look them up on these forums. Games like HotD Overkill and Madworld.
I love my Wii, but let me put it this way. It is the last next gen console in my lineup. Got 360 and PS3 first. If someone came in my house and said I am going to shoot you in head unless you give me one of your three systems, they'd be leaving with the Wii. Once again I love Wii, but prefer a more graphical system that can do more. We all know Xbox live is best online network. And PS3 is great for blu ray and thier exclusives like Metal Gear 4. Hope the next Nintendo is more in line witht the competition.
is it worth getting an xbox now? not sure if theres any point if a new one comes out soon :S
Now is the BEST time to get a 360! The RRoD has laregely went away, my first gen system lasted a year, my second gen system (Halo 3 system) is a year and a half old and never had a problem yet... And the new 3rd gen consoles are just coming out, 2 days ago actually with the Resident Evil 5 red system release... So the hardware is better than it's ever been...

And there are TONS of games out now! If you have a GameStop or something similar nearby, you can buy a ton of games really cheap! I get Xbox games for less than $5 most times, and 360 titles are plentiful in the under $20 range. I walked out one day with 13 new games (new for me) and only spent around $85!!!

I've had my 360 for for around 2 1/2 years, my Wii for about half that time, and I've easily got 5 to 6 times as many games for the 360 as I do the Wii. The only problem I have with a 360... finding time to play all the awesome games that are available!!!

I'm really hopeful whatever the next Xbox is called is 100% backward compatible with what I own. In the end it really doesn't matter I guess, this is the first console I'm not selling. I had over 170+ games for the NES and always regretted selling all of it. I've got around 100 or so at the moment for the 360, and will never sell them. If the new machine isn't backwards compatible, I'll buy a couple of new 360's and put them in the closet just in case for the future...

I doubt we'll see a new Xbox until at least 2011 or later... Too much life left in the current console.

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