Nintendo Wii: One Year Later

Look at the first year of the PS3 and Xbox 360. They are dismal. The Wii is a little past them, and I think that's one of the key reasons they are #1. Reminder: If you have brain damage you probably forgot the 360's first year was complete crap, maybe even worse than the PS3's first year. Lost Planet, Gears of War, Halo 3 are all second year games.
That writer is all over the place, and I doubt he's a die hard nintendo fan (he sounds like a PS fan-boy). I don't know how I could take his article that serious when he refers to gaming for grampa's, the only reason Wii's are currently selling is because of hype and somehow the need to attract the hardcore gamers.
sagema said:
Look at the first year of the PS3 and Xbox 360. They are dismal. The Wii is a little past them, and I think that's one of the key reasons they are #1. Reminder: If you have brain damage you probably forgot the 360's first year was complete crap, maybe even worse than the PS3's first year. Lost Planet, Gears of War, Halo 3 are all second year games.

I have noticed that as well, and have found myself telling people about that a few times on here. Wii had good games in its first year, not great but good ones.
Second year is looking better.

People just enjoy ragging on the Wii's first year or something, not realizing the time it takes to make good games.
The reason for this 'grampa thing' is the games like golf, table tennis, kiddy stuff and brain training.

However, the wii has a selection of games that would make a grandpa die cos they're so awesome. Like Zelda, metroid, mario, paper mario, resi evil 4 and UC, medel of honor, red steel. These are great games. I don't think 360 and ps3 have that many great games between them.

And the wiis 2nd year is even better. Mario kart, battalion wars 2, smash bros, no more heroes, and others that haven't been annonced yet. saga is working on a 'house of the dead' game, made for the wii zapper. There are loads that we won't hear about for a while but just wait til they're here.

we'll all be so excited that we'll poo our pants. Seriously! poo will come flooding out our bumholes as we here about awesome games.
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drunk_duck said:
we'll all be so excited that we'll poo our pants. Seriously! poo will come flooding out our bumholes as we here about awesome games.

can i get a video of that?

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