Nintendo Loves My Mom??


WiiChat Member
Nov 13, 2007
haha sorry about the Subject title but it's the name of the article I just read and it quite catchy :p

Anyways, I just stumbled across this article on google that talks about Nintendo's bad decision making when it comes to marketing. As I was reading the article I realized that I had never really paid attention to their marketing strategy.. I just played amazing games when they came out :)

One of the strategies used by Nintendo mentioned in the article says that they like to wait until the game is near release to start releasing information about a game as to keep the gamers in anticipation. Has anyone else noticed something like this? I, for one, love to know as much about a game before it comes out.

Anyways, i'm not trying to spam, but for discussion purposes.. here is the article
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sorry if you read my post it doesn't seem relevant..

but if you read the article.. it talks about how they are straying away from the hardcore gamer market and veering towards a casual gamer market (like your parents) or anyone else that wouldn't normally play.

Of course it may not be the case for everyone, but my mom never played video games before the wii came out. Now she buys just about all the games she can.. even the bad ones :(
shiz said:
sorry if you read my post it doesn't seem relevant..

but if you read the article.. it talks about how they are straying away from the hardcore gamer market and veering towards a casual gamer market (like your parents) or anyone else that wouldn't normally play.

Of course it may not be the case for everyone, but my mom never played video games before the wii came out. Now she buys just about all the games she can.. even the bad ones :(
wow... you need to start rationing her lol
Thats happened a lot with many people.
Luckily it appeals to more than just the casual gamer (although that can be argued to death)

I still find the games I want anyways.
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TortillaChip520 said:
wow... you need to start rationing her lol

lol well it sure has its benefits..

1) I don't have to buy any games :)


2) I get to try out some games that I normally would not even touch with a stick
shiz said:
haha sorry about the Subject title but it's the name of the article I just read and it quite catchy :p

Anyways, I just stumbled across this article on google that talks about Nintendo's bad decision making when it comes to marketing. As I was reading the article I realized that I had never really paid attention to their marketing strategy.. I just played amazing games when they came out :)

One of the strategies used by Nintendo mentioned in the article says that they like to wait until the game is near release to start releasing information about a game as to keep the gamers in anticipation. Has anyone else noticed something like this? I, for one, love to know as much about a game before it comes out.

Anyways, i'm not trying to spam, but for discussion purposes.. here is the article

Nintendo came in a distant third for the last two generations, and "hardcore" gamers feel it owes them, what a joke! I don't blame them one tiny bit! I'd look to expand my audiance too if I was treated like Nintendo was by these " hardcore" players!

It was so bad, people were predicting that Nintendo was gonna end up like Saga, out of the console market. Even Nitntendo itself, said if the wii didn't outsell the gamecube, it was gonne leave the console buisness! I see it like this; they did what they had to do to survive, and it was successfull.

It seems, to me, like these "hardcore" players feel like they are losing thier exclusivity, thier "privliged few status". Its desgusting how they look down on so called, "casual" players as if their existance is a threat to them. What's with all the contempt for "casuals?" Why can both exist side by side? Wasn't each and every "hardore" player a "casual" player, ie, an inexperienced player?

The only part I agree with is the section on Nintendo's marketing strategy. I like them to release game information earier also. I agree that if they hadda marketed Metriod Prime, Corruption earlier, it woulda sold more copies.
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romj said:
Nintendo came in a distant third for the last two generations, and "hardcore" gamers feel it owes them, what a joke! I don't blame them one tiny bit! I'd look to expand my audiance too if I was treated like Nintendo was by these " hardcore" players!

It was so bad, people were predicting that Nintendo was gonna end up like Saga, out of the console market. Even Nitntendo itself, said if the wii didn't outsell the gamecube, it was gonne leave the console buisness! I see it like this; they did what they had to do to survive, and it was successfull.

It seems, to me, like these "hardcore" players feel like they are losing thier exclusivity, thier "privliged few status". Its desgusting how they look down on so called, "casual" players as if their existance is a threat to them. What's with all the contempt for "casuals?" Why can both exist side by side? Wasn't each and every "hardore" player a "casual" player, ie, an inexperienced player?

The only part I agree with is the section on Nintendo's marketing strategy. I like them to release game information earier also. I agree that if they hadda marketed Metriod Prime, Corruption earlier, it woulda sold more copies.

I would actually have to agree with you. I'm tired of self-proclaimed "hardcore" gamers looking down on casual gamers as if they are beneath them. The fact is that we are both, in fact, GAMERS!

Although I don't particularly agree with all of Nintendo's strategies, they certainly had to do what they needed to do as a business. They may have neglected part of their audience but gained a bigger one in the process

just my 2 cents
Nintendo Loves my mom!??!!?


hahah yeah isn't that how they hyped up nintendo fans anyways?
shiz said:
I would actually have to agree with you. I'm tired of self-proclaimed "hardcore" gamers looking down on casual gamers as if they are beneath them. The fact is that we are both, in fact, GAMERS!

Although I don't particularly agree with all of Nintendo's strategies, they certainly had to do what they needed to do as a business. They may have neglected part of their audience but gained a bigger one in the process

just my 2 cents

Yes, exactly! I find this whole "Hardcore" vs " casual" enmity whack! I believe Nintendo turned away from entirely supporting these hardcore players because that audiance was dwindeling fast! They were turning away from Nintendo, dismissing it as kiddy, long before the wii came along!

I believe it was Sony who made videogames more mainstream with the PS One and the Ps 2. Nintendo just went further with the wii, appealing to a wider audaince instead of to males from 12 to 33. Now EVERYONE can enjoy a hobby that was mostly geard toward the so called, "elete" players, the most skilled ones. Perhaps these eletists fear that their hobby isn't so exculsive anymore.

Nintendo needed some new blood! The idea of EXPANDING your audiance was brillant! I mean why can't these new players become more experienced? What prevents this inevitable evelution of experience? What dose the "hardcore" really fear from these new ones?

The game Cube only sold 20 million units during it's entire 5 years life span! Now look at the wii, it has sold over 13 million units in under a year! Nintendo is obviously doing SOMETHING right!

Finally: I believe Nintendo hasn't abandoned the more seasoned players. There are games on the wii for them, and more are coming!
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i find the article pretty good and i agree with it. its not so much hes saying that nintendo is forgetting hardcore gamers, its that that hardcore gamers are an afterthought.

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