Nintendo wii graphics better than PS3?

PS3 graphics are better than Wii graphics (or at least Wii graphics haven't been pushed to their potential).

But when you sit and think about it, gameplay is really what matters, and Wii has better gameplay. We all sit around STILL playing our old NES, SNES, and Genesis games, and those things are 2-D, not even comparable to the graphics of systems we have now. But they're fun, so we keep them around.
In my opinion the PS3 has one of the best graphics FOR A CONSOLE!!! around while the Wii has the best gameplay beating just about everything, if I wanted good graphics then I would hook up my computer to my HD READY LCD TV, but otherwise, just go for the Wii
who really cares about graphics and what not, people have their own opinions on every system out there, and its really not a big deal to argue about which is the best. People chose which ever system they want, and its there choice. they are all fun and serve the same purpose, entertainment.
Icetrash said:
Why the **** is this thread even created? Everyone knows PS3 has better graphics than the Wii.

I'm with you man...I'm an admitted Nintendo fanboy but anyone with half a brain knows that the Wii's graphics are far lower than the ones on XBox 360 and Playstation 3....its just that simple. So get over it and stop making retarded threads about KNOWN FACTS. I didn't get the Wii because of graphics. I got it because I know I'll enjoy the great games that are going to come out for it. Hopefully in the next lineup of consoles Nintendo will final deliver a very poweful machine that is capable of producing excellent and crystal clear graphics. Until then DEAL with reality please...
No..the games the Wii has right now have worse graphics than some of the games that have good graphics in the ps3, that doesn't mean all games on the Wii will have poor the future they will be used to their potentiasl and you all are going to be surprised.
epikon said:
whatever any console tries to do graphically wise a PC WILL always do it better.


Thats why i dont need a 360 or PS3, im sure there good console but i would only ever buy them for the graphic, but my PC rig is far more powerfull than either consoles.
Actually, the PS3 is probably far more powerful than your computer. I highly doubt you have 8 processors running on there. My computer was fairly cutting edge to begin with and has a ridiculous amount of upgrades, but it's still noticeably worse than a PS3 graphically.
Wiily Good said:
If Wii games in 2 years time have the same graphics as now but with decent anti-aliasing, I'll be happy.
Wii Sports with Anti-Aliasing = Great Graphics.
Xbox 360 and PS3 = Great Graphics
Need for Speed Carbon Wii without Anti-Aliasing = Poor Graphics.

I agree about the anti-aliasing. The wii does a horrible job of this and they really need to fix it up. Would improved anti-aliasing be done via a firmware update or be coded directly into the games?