Nintendo Stars


WiiChat Member
Jan 28, 2007
I ve heard that you can get 3months free subscription or something like that of Nintendo power Magazine using your stars on the nintendo site.

i have looked around and cant find the option to use the stars on nintendo power anywhere.

Anyone know where?
i dunno bout this really...

but all i know, us here at least, you create your nintendo ID online then register products with that ID once u register 3 products they i believe automatically send you a free trial of Nintendo Power

er so i think it is

as far as stars n what not, is that a uk thing?
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oh yea sorry, that was it, register 3 items, and get nintendo power magazine or something.

Do i have to apply or something, i am a member and have registerd 3 items,
hot_chili said:
oh yea sorry, that was it, register 3 items, and get nintendo power magazine or something.

Do i have to apply or something, i am a member and have registerd 3 items,

I'm not entirely shure, but I dont think u have to do anything. I think it'll just come when it comes, which will probably be forever if thats true. I dunno ill stop puttin in my worthless 2 cents.
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What about wii points, when is that going to become available in the stars catalouge.

And what do you think the exchange rate will be?
LyricistSoldier said:
I'm not entirely shure, but I dont think u have to do anything. I think it'll just come when it comes, which will probably be forever if thats true. I dunno ill stop puttin in my worthless 2 cents.
No, I did this, and I THINK this is how it happened:
I got an email saying that I registered 3 nintendo games and then it gave me a link to apply for the offer. As simple as that.
if i sell my wii how much should i charge please help where should i sell it?:eek:
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BY THE WAY im not being nosy but why the heck do ya want to sell it for.

Dont you like it?
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theres no nees to BS, say the truth, its awsome.

Its revolutionary Signup and register a game. They will offer you 3 free months of nintendo power.

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