Two questions for the Wii experts


WiiChat Member
Nov 7, 2007
I did a search but couldnt find a sutable answers to these:

1. There is a lot of mention of 3 free issues of nintendo power after you purchase 3 or more nintendo products. I can not find any mention of this on Nintendo's site or any specifics. Do VC games count? So far i have the Wii, 3 games and 3 VC games registered and showing when I log into nintendo's site. Will i just receive the 3 issues? or would i be notified? or is this promotion over?

2. For anyone with a subscription, is the magazine worth it? What is in a tipical issue that makes it worth it. I want to know before i subscribe, but no local place seems to carry it for me to sample it out.
all ican tell you for your first question is VC games dont count. nintendo games/consoles (wii/DS) do count towards that.

reviews/gaming news/interesting articles. it's your typical gaming magazine like game informer or OXM or playstation magazine.
I have bought more than three games and I have never received these copies of the mag! I saw the promotion too but have given up waiting for the 3 issues.

I am not sure what you have to do to get these now.... as I said I have given up on it now! If you do hear anything then let me know!

I have bought the mag a few times but not recently. I will be more pursuaded to buy it when/if they start giving away demo discs (like the playstation mags do!!)
no way PS magazine gives demo discs out too?! i need to get a subscription! lol, though lately xbox magazines demo discs have been packed full of crap IMO.
I don't think that VC Games counted

The promotion is over anyway, I know for sure.
yea, they dont do it anymore. but its a pretty good magazine, i would recommend you subscribe if you havnt already. they give detailed information on upcoming games and game reviews, and a bunch of other stuff.

p.s. does anybody know when we will get the january issue?
Yeah they don't do it anymore when I got my Wii they did it and I got the three free issues and started my subscription. I would recommend it it's only $20 I think. In it they talk about upcoming games for Wii, DS and review games talk about history of the Big N and everthing in between.
pYRo said:
p.s. does anybody know when we will get the january issue?

IDK. they threw in the holiday issue after December.
maybe that was January's issue?
You can get a free my nintendo member ship. See "My Nintendo Membership" thread for details
Shadow3401 said:
You can get a free my nintendo member ship. See "My Nintendo Membership" thread for details

What...My Nintendo Membership thread...?

Care to elaborate or better yet link the thread?
I had a subscription about 15 years ago, and I definitely liked it. But because of the internet, I don't think it would be nearly as useful today, if you were looking to spend money on it; free is always good though :D
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Thanks for the replies everyone, seems the consensus is that the promotion is over. Im gonna have to give Nintendo a call as i found a handout with my Wii talking about it with registration of products. Since the Wii isnt a month old yet, perhaps i can convince them to hook me up with it if it did end.

Shadow3401 said:
You can get a free my nintendo member ship. See "My Nintendo Membership" thread for details

The only thread with that title has 2 posts in it, both of which answer nothing I asked. Please link to the thread you are talking about if at all possible.

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