Nintendo Reveals Wii U Worldwide Launch Dates

Uh... Capcom only publishes MH, right? Or does it develop the series? It's never had problems with DLC, yeah? ... Yeah?

Thank god I did because GameStop apparently sold out already O___O!?

Good thing I hate Gamestop, as that doesn't concern me at all. :D
Uh... Capcom only publishes MH, right? Or does it develop the series?

SSBfreakCK said:
It's never had problems with DLC, yeah? ... Yeah?

Good question.

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I invite any and all WiiUchatters to hunt with me once MH3U comes out next March.
I'll be pre-ordering that sucker once available.
CAN'T ****ING WAIT!! Whoo! ^^ Here's to G rank, Ukanlos, Fatalis, Kirin (**** YOU Unicorn Fairy fagg),
and lastly some new weapon classes <<< Wishlist.
If you'll have me, this n00b might just join in on the huntin' fun come March, so some halp 'n advice when the time comes would be sorely appreciated.

I'll probably have a Wii U by March.
If you'll have me, this n00b might just join in on the huntin' fun come March, so some halp 'n advice when the time comes would be sorely appreciated.

Guan Dao with Rathian armor is the noob setup of Tri. Should come in handy.

It's releasing stateside this March? Hard to believe.
@KarpMode yeah dude!!! Join in the fun ;DD I'll gladly show you round' you'll maybe one day become an MH fagg like me clocking in about 2k+

@WiiAssasin I'm pretty sure it is because when I pre-ordered my Wii U Deluxe at gamestop they gave me a form with ALL Wii U games that were available for purchase and those that were coming in the following months. MH3U was on that form coming "March 2013-Spring" and I highly doubt North America would be advertising MH3U if it were only coming out in Japan March 2013 know what I mean? Besides check this out >>>>>>>

Other: Just in case you guys didn't know but...MH3TRI-G is getting an HD VER for the Wii U. Only thing is it's for the Japs -___-
Apparently that game will be launching with the Wii U because it's coming out on Dec 8th...which is Japan's Wii U launch correct? FML

Check this out:

and the video

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That reminds me... Has there at least been any hints towards Assassin's Creed III bein' a launch title? ... If there's no sign of it, I'd hope that the conversion between consoles won't take more than a few months at most.
I don't think they are converting it
I think it is one of the main consoles

Unless they started production a loooooong time ago

i don't suspect it is a lauch (they should not have too many 3rd party launch titles)
I'm pretty sure Ubisoft would develop on a single console, then convert the game's format to the rest. If that ain't how cross-system game design works, then... Well, what a ****in' surprise since I know nothin' of the topic. :lol:
I'm pretty sure Ubisoft would develop on a single console, then convert the game's format to the rest. If that ain't how cross-system game design works, then... Well, what a ****in' surprise since I know nothin' of the topic. :lol:
That would make the main one PC

But I don't know anything either

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