Nintendo in trouble and hopefully wont have to take wii of the market

They both use IR for different purposes. Nintendo has nothing to worry about because they have Phoenix Wright on the case. As someone said, Nintendo will probably buy the patent because who's ever heard of Interlink? Do they make breakfast cereals?
seriously nintendo could either buy the patent or higher OJ simpsons lawyer!
Why buy the patent? They don't have a valid case. If they keep taking Nintendo to court Nintendo will sue them for damages and make them pay their lawyer fees. This happens EVERY time something new comes out. Nothing new.
NrgUser said:
Why buy the patent? They don't have a valid case. If they keep taking Nintendo to court Nintendo will sue them for damages and make them pay their lawyer fees. This happens EVERY time something new comes out. Nothing new.
Thanks. I was thinking nobody read my post. Are you all kids or some thing?
sounds right. Nintendo has professional lawyers and i'm pretty sure they've checked this before. Nintendo wouldn't make a mistake like that ;)
I don't want Wii to go off the market but then id be one of lots of people that got it and other people would have to siffer for not gettin their Wii early enough....:smilewinkgrin:

I cant beleive this! Ill sue interwhatsitsname fore this! But then again, nintendo would have won something so theyed sue me, bu id sue nintendo for because inerlink waz sueing nintendo, but then interling would sue nintendo again because they want money but nintendo would sue interlink for sueing them too much. I don't get it... Wait, im gettin somethin :aureola: ! Wait.... No nothing.
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Hmm I thought that as long as a product can be shown to over 20% different to a similar product there is no problem, in this case as long as there is more than a 20% difference between the Wiimote and their device they have no case. Besides you can't sue for lost revenue when they're for two different systems i.e. one for a pc one for a console, that's like Microsoft sueing sony because they both have controllers with buttons so obviously one is stealing revenue >_<
you don't need the sensor bar because its not trackign anything.

the sensor bar is only for the pointing at the screen, like selecting menus.
Meh, every big company gets sued over stupid **** like this. But for almost the same reason that p2p software coders can't be sued, Nintendo won't either. The Wiimote is specifically for the Wii, it's not under Nintendo's control if someone hacks it to use with something else.

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