Nintendo Sued

Sep 24, 2006
Wii Online Code
Nintendo has been sued by Interlink Electronics for copyright infringement, Apparently Nintendo pointing functionalities of the Wiimote isn't as original that Nintendo claimed it to be.

Gaming blog Kotaku accuses Nintendo of infringing on a patent filed previously by Interlink Electronics. The court filing claims that Interlink Electronics has suffered "loss of reasonable royalties, reduced sales and/or lost profits as a result of the infringing activities of" Nintendo.

The complaint demands that Nintendo be enjoined and restrained from further infringing on the patent, presumably by taking the Wii off the market. Furthermore, the filing demands that the court order Nintendo to pay Interlink three times the assessed damages, including prejudgment interests and attorney fees. Additionally, the plaintiff is demanding a jury trial of any and all issues pertaining to the case.

IE will lose. Nintendo takes out copy rights far in advance, and they research their competition heavily. If Interlink Electronics dares take Nintendo to court, they'll be the ones who flip the bill. I'm very serious, Nintendo knows how to apply for a copy right, there is no legal ground here.
sagema said:
IE will lose. Nintendo takes out copy rights far in advance, and they research their competition heavily. If Interlink Electronics dares take Nintendo to court, they'll be the ones who flip the bill. I'm very serious, Nintendo knows how to apply for a copy right, there is no legal ground here.

yep pretty sure nintendo will win with this one... but i do have to disagree with you on.... the competition part... IE is no where near nintendo nuff said :smilewinkgrin: :smilewinkgrin: :smilewinkgrin:
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The only thing that scares me is the Taking the wii out of the market..
I mean Nintendo researches everyone in the same field before applying their copy right.
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Funny i only counted 4 with mine..and sorry about that...yeah to tell you the truth i haven't been on lately and i'm still getting use to the renovation
If Nintendo were to lose, and force to take it off the market...You have any idea how much value the Wii would have then? It would skyrocket and become a collectors item.
If they were fearful that there was any way they'd loose, they would just settle before pulling the Wii. This kind of stuff is very common.
I highly doubt that nintendo would take the Wii out of a billion dollar industry, rather than just satisfying the sue-ers with a couple million.

And this is very early in the case, so - for all we know - it could all fall through.
I think people are making a big deal out of nothing. How much of a difference in company sizes and notability is there? How legit is the patent? And I also think people should stop posting this.

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