Nintendo DS Vs. Sony PSP:


lettsy9 said:
I like the wii and i will be buying it but i have to disagree i love the psp and i think the ds is possible the worst portable syestem out there have u seen the graphics in the ds u saying there good have u been on the laughing gas.
Oh dear... another 'gamer' blinded by good graphics and sound . Sigh... I have explained this to people many a time... games don't have to have good graphics to be good. The PSP has good graphics I'll give it that, but it has very few good games. The DS however doesn't have the best graphics out there I admit, but what it does have is excellent games, and lots of them. I think you should give the DS a try and when you do try it concentrate on the gameplay, not the graphics. If you do that you'll realise that the DS is the better system;) . One question though, have you played any DS game? Or have you just looked at the graphics any automatically decided its the worst portable console out there? Because if you only play games with good graphics then you missing out on a lot of games.

P.S: The PSP can do nothing that the PS2 can't. Plus most of its games are crappy PS2 ports:lol: ;) :p .
the psp i actually like alot as with the ds i like it too but the psp is actually a good system with some good games (not alot of rpgs tho) that many nintendo fanboys (no offense) wont try simply because its from the evil empire in sony but i have played both and i love both the price difference is probably a big advantage for nintendo but heres the funny thing you can buy a ps2 for cheaper then a ds ... and with the psp being a portable ps2 THATS THE WHOLE POINT its what sony wanted to do with it and many people applaud them for it ....... it just matters what fits your style of gaming and your needs the ds is also a great system with plenty of great games (yes more then the psp) but its inovation that got this system where it is ... my verdict is go for which ever one you think will fit your needs and will have you enjoy it more thats the problem with alot of things today people dont acess their needs before buying a product and it leads to less enjoyment ... i am just trying to tell people get what you think you will enjoy more if not you could be very disapointed ..... if you go onto to a sony site they will only tell you the bad things about the other console and it is no different with this site sadly enough.... but its ok because this is peoples opinions and you should always acess the buy before hand i cant emphisize this enough because of the mistakes that i have made by not doing this in the past ... just do what works for you ....... go wii lol.
the voice of reason martini178!
thats very true, through blind support for nintendo its easy to immediately downplay competitors without recognising the true fun value of its games. I never really thought the PSP was that bad, the main problem i had with it was the pricing, it was just too damn expensive, additionally the whole UMD Movie thing is just stupid; who wants to pay twice what you'd pay for a DVD to watch it on a screen the fraction of the size of your TV? Besides, when exactly would you have the chance to watch those movies? I doubt a bus/train ride into town would last 2 hours (unless your state/county/province/city/district has some serious public transport issues or you just enjoy getting motion sickness).

On the other hand, the PSP does have some great games, even Resident Evil 4 is a prospective title for Sony's handheld, and that was just a downright gorgeous game in every way. Functionally speaking, there have been alot of homebrew (colloquial term for independantly made, unofficial programs) applications in circulation for the PSP, making it a very versatile machine, meaning you can potentially play all your favourite ROMs on it, along with some classics like DOOM and Duke Nukem 3D through unofficial ports. Having said that, the PSP has no in-built storage devices, so in order to posess enough space for games and the like, the user must buy memory sticks, which aren't exactly cheap.

Personally I never really found the whole mp3 player aspect of the PSP all that appealing, isnt that why we have mp3 players which are smaller, with alot more storage and mp3 features on the market? Companies seem to continue trying to cram as much as they can into their products, thinking it makes them better, or likely to sell more- not necasserily. One thing it does guarentee though is a higher price; Royalties and licensing fees to the companies who developed the .mp3 codec and whatnot.

I was a little annoyed at the DS' lack of features, but thats when I think if they had included them the system would probably be alot more expensive. I was also somewhat taken aback by the system's pixellated graphics, then I realised if they had made the DS with better hardware (which is certainly not out of nintendo's technological means) the system would probably be larger, more expensive, and use more battery power. Besides, with screens that size you don't really notice the pixellation unless you stop for a detailed scan of your environment.

The main thing that appealed to me about the DS was the WiFi connection as well as wireless local multiplayer. If the DS did not utilise wireless hardware I probably would not have bought it. The whole NintendoWiFi service is an awesome feature, the fact it is free makes it even more appealing and accessible to gamers (as opposed to XboX Live's subscription fee) and it's so easy to get going; just get your DS into a wireless hotspot, connect up to NintendoWiFi and get gaming around the world. It works in any area with wireless internet (I usually play down at the cafe underneath the theatre with a hot mocha :p). I hear the PSP has in-built wireless hardware too, however I have not heard any reports on a major international PSP online service yet.

So Nintendo with its legions of online multiplaying fans gives the console worth, and quite honestly who doesnt enjoy jumping online (hopefully not with any disconnecting/dishonourable n00bs) with some Metroid Prime Hunters and blowing a few suckers away? :p
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Reading all this makes me wish i had a DS ....... I'll get the wii then the DS can't get distracted from target, must get wii
About the damage resistance on each handheld, I was running for a lecture one morning and my DS fell out of my top pocket, seriously I was sprinting here, I turned just to watch it bounce and skid across the ground. I picked it up thinking crapcrapcrapcra.....wha? It had 2 scratches on the corner and that was it. I was all "Er...okaaay". Guy in one of my clubs told me his PSP cracked on its back casing when a book fell on it :tard:
the reason i wont be getting a psp anytime soon is because of the price ... and i never knew they were so breakable ... guess thats why my friend is insane about people touching his psp meh.. both good systems i would have to give the ds the edge tho..
Man i took that test and im a big Nintendo fanboy.I just cant stand to see nintendo do badly, i played only nintendo systems growing up starting at the begining with the NES. Its just not in me to turn away.(not that i want to anyways...Wii ROCKS):lol: :lol:
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Another problem the PSP had was dead pixels. I dont know if they've improved the manufacturing of the PSP's LCD screens yet, but apparently for no reason (I haven't had much direct contact with anyone who has owned a PSP) some pixels would just "die" and stop working. Apparently they would be replaced under warranty if you had 5 or more dead pixels on your screen... not really a big issue just a friggin pain. Just outta curiosity... can any PSP owners out there tell me where the PSPs are actually made?
Don't know where psps are made but i own one and the only thing i really use it for is playin snes and nes emulators and music.Soo for gaming my ds is far better...

I have never had any problems with dead pixels though and I have owned minefor about 6 months soo sony must have fixed something with the screen:D
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jimbolimbo99 said:
Don't know where psps are made but i own one and the only thing i really use it for is playin snes and nes emulators and music.Soo for gaming my ds is far better...
me too, i also download full psp games :D :D :lol: :lol:

there have been many problems with psp, the dpad is so **** u wont believe it, and there have been many reports of the analogue stick snapping, it is begging for another analogue stick on the right.

even tho i download psp games, most of them suck. maybe ultimate ghosts n' goblins will be good, i have just downloaded the jap version and im gonna find out.

other than that PSP sucks, i dont think it is what most people would want on a portable game system. good graphics just look **** on a portable system, and i personally preffer 2d games or side scrollers, 3d doesnt do it for me.

edit: sorry for my language, but it really does suck.
wiiener said:
Sure it looks and feels MUCH better but i don't want it to crack and snap in half when i barely open it. Nintendo has noticed this problem and refuses to fix it, they want customers with cracked ds lites to send the ds and $50 to fix it. Just thought i should say that before anyone considers going to buy a ds lite. Remember, its always smart to find info on the product you are buying before you actually buy it.
Listen i've had one for about a month and that's ridiculous to even think that, the only way u could break one by merely opening it is if u yanked straight open till the hinges wouldn't allow it to go any farther. It may not be a tank, but it's not a piece of paper. I love my Lite and I think it's much better than the PSP in everything except for, like HM said, graphics and the other settings that have nothing to do w/ gaming.

U should definitely trade in old for the new. Believe me, I ain't lyin...I have no idea y or how u got the idea that Nintendo knows this happens alot and they won't fix it just becuz they want money from ppl bringing them in to get it fixed. 1st of all I doubt so many ppl break their Lites and 2nd Nintendo can't help it, they made it lighter and more comfortable(more slender) so they can't make it sturdier. It's not possible when they did those things to it.

Just thought ya'll should know.
And actually, the ds is also capable of the multimedia features of the psp, and it can use batteries, just so you know:cool:

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