Nintendo DS Lite vs. Sony PSP

never played a PSP but i heard their is like no good games for it so i never got one plus it's expensive for a hand held. i really enjoy my DS Lite, with all the good games, and touch screen game play is cool.

However i can't make a decision fairly because i have not played a PSP yet.
Rand said:
You also forget, Sovieto, that the psp's screen is crap. Ever seen a screen that doesnt have scratches on it? The whole dang thing is a a screen, just looks...bad.
same with the ds's screen..
The PSP has a lot of nice features.
But The DS/Lite has mods now that can access the internet via bluetooth and can download games for free.
My choice is the DS.
I currently own both.
Sovieto said:
same with the ds's screen..

No, not really. The 2 screens are not THAT big and there is plenty of room for buttons and such. You can put a screen protector on the touch screen and good ones will work effectively. The top screen shouldn't be scratched though. But note that you can fold the DS to close it and that protects the screens. Too bad you can't do that with the PSP.
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Sovieto said:
same with the ds's screen..

No, the DS is not all a huge screen, the buttons have space and are evenly layed out. On the PSP however, the screen is large and the buttons are cramped.
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