Nintendo blocked GoldenEye XBLA, says Microsoft

Microsoft could still release other Rare games on XBLA. Perfect Dark and Conker's Bad Fur Day being some examples. Those were published by Rare and not Nintendo.
T3kNi9e said:
Microsoft could still release other Rare games on XBLA. Perfect Dark and Conker's Bad Fur Day being some examples. Those were published by Rare and not Nintendo.
I think the only other N64 game they did apart from those 2 that wasnt published by Nintendo was Jet Force Gemini. I guess they could get away with Killer Instinct too as the arcade version was by Williams.

Edit: They also published Diddy Kong Racing but Nintendo still owns the rights to the Diddy Kong character.
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But either way, I hear Jet Force Gemeni was pretty good. I always wanted it but I could never afford it back then. Killer Instinct? My favorite fighting game of all time, I would certainly fork over 400-800 MS points for that.
T3kNi9e said:
But either way, I hear Jet Force Gemeni was pretty good. I always wanted it but I could never afford it back then. Killer Instinct? My favorite fighting game of all time, I would certainly fork over 400-800 MS points for that.
I missed out on it too, i wonder why they havent put it on Live Arcade yet.

I just wish they could work it all out and get these games out of limbo. Of all Rares games i think id like to be able to play Blast Corps again even more than Goldeneye.
Lol Blast Corps, the first N64 game I ever owned. I played that for a LONG time. Back in the days when 1 game would last months. Sadly I get bored of games after a few days because online has corrupted the definition of replay value :D
Man this is great and only means nintendo may actually have a really FPS in the wings some where. I mean if the Wii casual thing get lukewarm you just know that they are going to get all hardcore on us...LOL. The game is classic and putting it on the xbox will actually diminish it since halo and COD4 will make sure it is over looked.
Uh.. what? Its a arcade game, not a actual full blown $60 game. Your comment is kind of confusing, as if you dont even know what the topic is about. Did you actually read it? Or did you just read the first post and not really understand what was going on?
T3kNi9e said:
Uh.. what? Its a arcade game, not a actual full blown $60 game. Your comment is kind of confusing, as if you dont even know what the topic is about. Did you actually read it? Or did you just read the first post and not really understand what was going on?

just because he has less posts than u doesnt mean that hes a noob. calm down
Who the hell said anything about that? Im saying that his comment is confusing. I cant understand what he's talking about or if he actually knows whats going on.
T3kNi9e said:
Who the hell said anything about that? Im saying that his comment is confusing. I cant understand what he's talking about or if he actually knows whats going on.

dude u are confusing. he said that the wii will have a reallly good shooter if it gets goldeneye. also he said that goldeneye wouldnt be good for xbox because it would be supposedely "inferior" to their halos and gears of war.