Goldeneye Not Coming To Virtual Console After All?


WiiChat Member
Feb 4, 2007
San Francisco, CA
Wii Online Code
Found this article at the Nintendolife website and dunno if its posted already or not but here goes why were not gonna get it after all.

N64 fans, look away now...

"Since the Virtual Console appeared there's been one game that Nintendo fans have called for at the very top of their voices. Rare's Goldeneye is rightly seen as a classic N64 title and, for a while at least, it seemed like the chances of it appearing on the download service were actually quite good.

Until now, that is. A leading Xbox fansite has recently posted a story that could potentially mean Goldeneye never sees the light of day on the VC. The site insists that Rare has signed a deal with current Bond licence holder Activision and that the classic N64 FPS will be released for Microsoft's Xbox Live Arcade service with updated visuals. The site also adds that other classic Rare games may appear on XBLA too.

Obviously this is all unconfirmed at present, but still...pass some tissues, will you? I appear to have something in my eye..."

If Goldeneye makes it to XBLA, half the people here will finally be happy that they can play it again and shut up about that stupid game, while the other half are going to be enraged that the 360 got it and they didn't. If you're the latter, might I suggest you consider buying a 360, amongst a number of better reasons to get one? Don't worry, they don't bite.
Interesting. Though personally, I wouldn't want upgraded graphics, it almost seems like it wouldn't be the 'real thing'.

Napalmbrain-- your really cynical:lol:
The L.S said:
Interesting. Though personally, I wouldn't want upgraded graphics, it almost seems like it wouldn't be the 'real thing'.

Napalmbrain-- your really cynical:lol:

you are right, i wouldnt want new graphics, but I assume they can change other things too play??? 'twould be nice
I already said it. One day VC will see 007 because Rare said it was ok on their forums, from freaking Rare themselves! But the XBL version will have enhanced graphics and online mode. The VC version won't. At the rate VC releases N64 games we're in for a wait. 2009 anyone?

The real issue is it's being blocked by both EA and Activision! Both companies never made the game, but juggled the license around and want a piece of that pie. Castlevania Symphony of the Night is one of the highest selling downloadable games on XBL. 007 would have similar results.
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I have a Wii and a 360 so I no matter what, if it is downloadable I will get it. Mechcon, Donkey Kong 64 may have been produced by Rare but Nintendo still holds the licence to the character and the game. Remember we already have Donkey Kong Country 1, 2 and 2 on the VC and Diddy Kong racing is on the DS. I think we will see Donkey Kong 64 at some point but the better Rare games such as Goldeneye, Perfect Dark, Conker's Bad Fur Day and Blastcorps (I didn't like Banjo) will probably never appear. Conker and Perfect Dark are already on the Xbox in one shape or another.
Well it is Nintendos stubeness that fails us all
There is one thing that can be said about prefect conversions of old games

But a lot more can be said about a better than perfect conversion (see xbox live for details)

Shame Mario kart will never come out on 360 itd be damn good online

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