Nintendo Announces Wii U European Midnight Launch Event for Next Week


Super Moderator
Jul 7, 2011

While the US has already enjoyed all the Wii U launch excitement, next week it’s the turn of Europe, and Nintendo has today announced a special midnight launch event, which will be taking place at the HMV store in London’s Oxford Street, from 22:00 on Thursday, November 29, all ready for the console to officially go on sale to the public from 00:01 am on Friday, November 30. And as a special treat, the first 100 customers in the line will get a free copy of New Super Mario Bros U, plus another Wii U game of their choosing. The next 100 people after that will be given a £5 gift voucher to spend on the night on Wii U hardware and software. And that’s not even all, as the first 500 people in the queue will get a Wii U goody bag. Also, there will be random chances throughout the night to win more cool stuff.

With ZombiU being one of the most anticipated of all of the launch games, it’s good to know that Ubisoft and Nintendo will be demonstrating the game, as well as Nintendo Land and New Super Mario Bros. U, and guests will also get a chance to play before they take their own Wii U home. Game characters will also be there, including Mario faves and zombies from ZombiU!

HMV Head of Games, Ewan Pinder, comments: “We’re thrilled to be hosting the Official Midnight Launch Event for Wii U at our Oxford Street flagship, which is fast-becoming the natural home of all major games launches in the UK..”

Nintendo UK Marketing Director, Shelly Pearce, added: "We can't wait to get the Wii U into the hands of our fans in the UK and are delighted to be partnering with HMV on this exciting night. Not only will those that come down to HMV be amongst the first in the country to get their hands on the console but there will be lots of opportunities to try the games and to find out more about what makes Wii U such a unique new console."

Source: Nintendo
A free A-list game? Now that's worth derpin' around in a line for 24 hours. ... So long as I can access Wi-fi and GTS.
Having to give stuff away already?

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