Nintendo accused of holding back Wii stock

its true...i work at futureshop

weere not allowed to sell our 13 Wii's in the back until april10? for some reason! they have been there since march 20
Nintendo is Nothing like sony i had my gamecube since release no problem still running like the day i ripped it out of its package, the same with my DS.... lol my ps2 well lets say i have had 4 of them ...... i must say out of all my nintendo's, and yes i have them all my original NES is the only one that barly works... :ihih:
Adamquest64 said:
Yeah, if the first wave of Wiis is like the first PS2s (breaking after 2 years), I'm in trouble.

That's why Nintendo will always win over Sony. They actually make sure their product works before they put it out, rather than just pushing a product to market before it is ready.

::glances in the general direction of Sony::

I have to admit in my experience all my nintendo products have been working as fine as the day i got them, I havnt used my playstation for a good 2 or 3 years so i wouldnt know if it still works but last time i used it it was fine, my PS2 is currently going through a difficult patch :( sometimes even new games take at least 4 turn on and offs to work my PS2 dvd player isnt exactly great all dvds appear green, I've had two computors which have been fine and my laptop is in top form still but i have to admit I've been most satisfied with the nintendo products lifespan.

back on topic: Ninty wont just hold back wii stock to annoy us if they are holding back stock it may be because the first wave of wii's have a problem or maybe they arnt getting produced that much but even so give it a while and nintendo will probably unleash a big group of wii's on sale.
Moten said:
That's why Nintendo will always win over Sony. They actually make sure their product works before they put it out, rather than just pushing a product to market before it is ready.

::glances in the general direction of Sony::


Eg. PS3... :lol:
Hello i am new to this website and i have joined because my desire for Wii of course :D i live in Sacramento CA and i was wondering when the Wii will restock? (mass production) I have heard it will come in the middle of April?, and in this topic proves it correct. I have a few questions about it, one, will the Wii be sold at the retail price of $250? Two will the Wii be sold in bundles or not? One last question, i heard they Stores get restocked weekly but only recieve 7-15 Wiis a day and they get sold out in 1 day? Is this true and if so do they sell at retail price too, in bundles? Please respond ASAP
Thank You!:)
lambise said:
Hello i am new to this website and i have joined because my desire for Wii of course :D i live in Sacramento CA and i was wondering when the Wii will restock? (mass production) I have heard it will come in the middle of April?, and in this topic proves it correct. I have a few questions about it, one, will the Wii be sold at the retail price of $250? Two will the Wii be sold in bundles or not? One last question, i heard they Stores get restocked weekly but only recieve 7-15 Wiis a day and they get sold out in 1 day? Is this true and if so do they sell at retail price too, in bundles? Please respond ASAP
Thank You!:)

please see thread below
Poor Mr Gamestop not getting all the money he wants Im sure that Nintendo wouldn't hold back stocks because they are a company and do need to make money

I'll agree with these allocations. I'm an Electronics Sales Associate at a Local Wal-mart. We've Received very few Wii's throughout march, Maybe 7.

The same has happend with the DS Lite, We're Completely Cleaned out.

However, As soon as april Hit, We've gotten 20 Wii's And a Mess of DS lites. It's like we'll finally be keeping them on hand, Just like the PS3's. (Which have been sitting in our Lock-up since Christmas.)

I have no doubt about this story.
As someone that used work at a big company in corporate America, I don't doubt that Nintendo would have held back Wiis because they had already met their sales figures. At the company that I worked at it was a big deal for every one and their departments to meet their numbers even to the point of slacking off once the quota for the month had been met so that we could manipulate our numbers for the next month to look good as well.

that not true... i got my Wii today (12.4.07)... ordered it on monday (9.4.07) :S... but then again.... the next day when i looked at the website the big 'WII IN STOCK' banner was gone... and when i clicked on wii's it said 'sorry out of stock' i was like *smug grin* =D

I'm trying to buy Wii since after New Year but I still couldn't find one. Does anybody have any idea which store will release it and when? BTW, I locate in San Francisco Bay area.

Any information will be really appreciated
It's a lie. It's probably Gamespot being paid by Sony to say that. Gamespot saves money every January by firing employees. Even if they made a $1 billion the prior year. They don't care. Gamespot will do anything for a $1. Even lose money preorder slips in their system.

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