Meijer is HOLDING WII'S BACK!!!!


WiiChat Member
Dec 28, 2006
USA, Central Ohio
One of my students works at a regional mega-store (clothes, grocery, electronics) who is pretty much Walmart's competitor. He quit his job this past weekend because he got tired of the crap they put their employee's through.

Anyways, the latest draw was they wanted him (all employee who do stock) to sign an NDA "of the contents of the storage areas". He signed it and then they had him help unload/shelf a bunch of stuff.

Turns out, their company policy is that whenever there's a shipment of Wii's, they are only allowed to put ONE box in the glass case. He asked about why and was told it's because they want to always be able to show that they have the Wii in stock for advertising regulation.

So, if they say they don't have any, tell them you know they're supposed to keep most in the back and to go get one.
strommsarnac said:
One of my students works at a regional mega-store (clothes, grocery, electronics) who is pretty much Walmart's competitor. He quit his job this past weekend because he got tired of the crap they put their employee's through.

Anyways, the latest draw was they wanted him (all employee who do stock) to sign an NDA "of the contents of the storage areas". He signed it and then they had him help unload/shelf a bunch of stuff.

Turns out, their company policy is that whenever there's a shipment of Wii's, they are only allowed to put ONE box in the glass case. He asked about why and was told it's because they want to always be able to show that they have the Wii in stock for advertising regulation.

So, if they say they don't have any, tell them you know they're supposed to keep most in the back and to go get one.

i get confused at the third paragraph

so say he gets a shipments of 20 wii's
he's only allowed to put one up in the glass case, so they can advertise that they have wii's?

why not put more:S
mushroomedmario said:
why not put more:S

because if they put all 20 out at once, they might all go in like 10 minutes. then for the rest of the day they have 0 in stock and can no longer say that they have the Wii.

But if they only put out 1 at a time, then most people will probably walk by and see the empty case and think "oh no wii today" but if they actually ASK for it, the store can be like "sure we got wii". Makes the chance of running out of stock less likely than just tossing them out for a free for all.
Sterculius said:
because if they put all 20 out at once, they might all go in like 10 minutes. then for the rest of the day they have 0 in stock and can no longer say that they have the Wii.

But if they only put out 1 at a time, then most people will probably walk by and see the empty case and think "oh no wii today" but if they actually ASK for it, the store can be like "sure we got wii". Makes the chance of running out of stock less likely than just tossing them out for a free for all.

ahh okay that makes sense

personally i would put them in the middle of the store....and watch customers fight over them (to the death)
Battle Royal... i would go to meijer more if they did
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mushroomedmario said:
ahh okay that makes sense

personally i would put them in the middle of the store....and watch customers fight over them (to the death)
Great idea! Maybe you can pay for the damages when it's all over.
Whatever at the store holdings. Sometimes they may completely be out of stock. They can only put so many out until they run out of the product (until next shipment).
But that goes to show us that it is not Nintendo who is holding them back, but the stores; controlling the flow of wii's into the market, like the retailer meantioned.
Uhh, not really. Thats just 1 case scenario out of thousands of stores. Obviously there's a good chance it happens other places too. But only a small percentage. Besides... most people will ask someone if they have consoles in the back. The problem isnt even Nintendo's fault I think. Its just not easy to making millions of consoles and you also have to make sure they all work. Then you have to pack them and ship them. Alot of crap...
Well, it's both the retailers and Nintendo's fault. They're a multi-billion (?) dollar company, if they wanted to have 10 million made by next month they really could do it, sweatshops my friends. Retailers choose to control the flow so they have constant traffic in the store, even if it's not to buy a Wii.
T3kNi9e said:
lol. make a big cage arena with swords and shields!

lol that'd be sweet

Announcer: Aaaaaaand...jimmy steps into the cage. He claims he's been waiting for a year for this wii, poor guy if that's the truth. And here comes bob, who claims he's been waiting since it came out!. There's the bell! Let's fight guys!

*Jimmy and Bob take out swords and start slashing at each other. In the end, Bob cuts Jimmy's head off*

Announcer: AAAAND IT LOOKS LIKE BOB IS THE WINNER!!! Congratz bob! you get this wii. BUT WAIT! This just in. Someone stole the wii that we were holding for the winner of the fight! I guess we have to pit another person against Bob so he can get this next wii *draws another wii from secret stock*. It looks like Freds stepping into the rink. Here we go!

*Fred stabs Bob through the heart*

Announcer: Oh no, it looks like Bob paid for his life just because of some shop lifter. Too bad, Rest In Peace Bob. And here's the Wii for Fred, congratulations!
Its a clever way to make sure they always have what people want in stock? Whats so bad about that?

but i like the cage match idea. i would totally build a cage and force people to battle over a wii. and just to be a dick id overcharge for the wii once they won too. lol

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