News channels needs a rating filter!

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AussieWii - I'm a proud australian, but what u said above America is utter bullshit.
You cannot blame america for all that is wrong with the world, more specificaly Australia.
Like it or not, America is our big brother and we stick up for each other. We have the same demented **** in Australia that there is in America, but just on a much lower scale (probably because we are much less populated).

At least in America than can proudly wave their flag without having it confiscated (which, in my opinion, is the greatest travesty in Australian history. Are we really afraid to fly our own flag in our own country in fear that some Lebs are gonna get offended and starts riots?!)
whos flag

thats an english flag

there aint nothing australian about it (cept for the southern cross)

do you honestly believe that the Americans didnt start all this terrorism bullshit ?
Do some research :lol:
AussieWii said:
whos flag

thats an english flag

there aint nothing australian about it (cept for the southern cross)

do you honestly believe that the Americans didnt start all this terrorism bullshit ?
Do some research :lol:

Err, dude?! Perhaps YOU should do some research on something called FACT. Our flag does have the union jack, yes. And ur right, it does have the southern cross. Do u know what that other big star represents?!
I'll wait while u google it.

Ok, so now u discovered OUR flag does have something australian about it?! Dude, making comments like that really does show u dont know what ur talking about.

Your the gullible type that believes in what the minority says because that's the "cool" thing to do. Anyone for Kool Aid?!

And just by the way, even if our flag has nothing to do with Australia on it, it still represents our country. People have died honoring that flag. Show a little respect.
xstatic said:
Be condescending if you want but filter and search lists would be useful and not censorship if you manage them yourself.

Beyond a parents desire to perhaps filter rape, porn, murder, etc. Adults may find they are tired of hearing about Donald Trump...
While a parent may wish to search for terms like science, space, health, etc. Many adults could use search to find news about their favorite sports teams...

This isn't a child protection issue and I agree it isn't Nintendo's job to filter content, this is desire to have tools on the system to filter and search for the news system owners to read...

News sites don't rate their news like TV shows so why do you think they are going to start to just for Nintendo? You go to google News or and I don't see any sort of filter; that's because everybody is smart enough not click on the link of any headline that might be objectionable. . .maybe you should try that.
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csiguy4u said:
News sites don't rate their news like TV shows so why do you think they are going to start to just for Nintendo? You go to google News or and I don't see any sort of filter; that's because everybody is smart enough not click on the link of any headline that might be objectionable. . .maybe you should try that.

First I am not upset, but I was surprised and caught off guard. I should have reviewed the content myself before I started it up with my son and didn't know the ropes yet and was unable to navigate around items I wanted to skip.

I don't expect anybody to change for Nintendo, that is silly to even suggest. But yes, Google, Yahoo, Outlook, Digg, RSS, etc. do have tools that allow me to search for terms in news items I want and I can filter out those I don't in my reader.

It just seems like it would be a good idea to build in filter and search terms in this new tool from Nintendo.
Perhaps, like "safe search" from Google, Nintendo could supply a prebuilt "safe news" filter that would be setup under through parental controls.
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AW4L said:
heh. and people started complaining that the Wii was too kid-oriented.

That is pretty funny and true.

But I do agree with the OP, lots of kids are gonna have nintendo Wii's to play with too and as such there should be a way to filter out adult news content.
Personally, I myself don't enjoy looking at those headlines.
Makes me feel like my wii is filthy or something and that the media has to find innapropriate things to make a little bit of money.

I looked in the parental controls, myself (a 17 year-old teen -- who'da thunk it!?) found nothing on censoring innapropriate stuff.

I don't like anything vulgar, so until Nintendo can give us something to let us censor some of it, I'll just not use the channel, yo.

And for the record, I only watch Cartoon Network, Nickelodeon, TV Land, and Discovery channel.
That's how vulgar I am.
God i love these people, When the hell are these people going to take responsiblity for their own children. Who the hell do you think you are thinking that its now everyone elses responsiblity to look after what your kid is able to do with whatever device. Bad things were around when we were kids too, nudity in movies, stories of murder etc. Like i said above dont blame nintendo your your lack of tact in dealing with what your kid can and cant access on the internet or elsewhere. Take your complaint and stuff it, Wuss
csiguy4u said:
WTF. . .the news is real life; you shouldn't be shielding your kids from it unless you want them to live at home forever. AP news isn't rated likes games, movies, and tv shows so you just might as well just delete the channel or wake up to real life and let you kids read it if they damn well please to.
Dude, their 7. I actually agree with you on this as my mother shielded me from the news until i was 12 and thats just stupid. I think 9 or 10 is a good age to get kids intrested in the World but not at 7 were the only problem in their lives are "cooties."
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