New Wii with DVD with player

The readers' digest version is that, assuming the GameCube doesn't do anything fancy other than read data from the outside -> inside, the Wii probably isn't any different if for no other reason than backwards compatibility. That is purely speculation, though, since I have not seen any evidence of disc rotation direction on the Wii, but it seems logical.

If you're sure you understand exactly how the GameCube works, then go ahead and assume that's how the Wii works as well until someone demonstrates otherwise.
ilcid said:
Erm... CD's and DVD's are written/read inside to out...

You can even see the pattern on burned CDs.

And you still haven't stated the source...

monkseal pretty much sumed it up.

And could you not be a lazy ass and google it yourself? I thought this was common knowledge. At least it is to anyone who ever wanted to rip GCN games.
i dont see why peopel think this wont work. dreamcast read different ways too, yet people still pirated it.
i alrady watch movies with my sd card :) but i'm sure it would be like some kind of codec download.BUT nintendo is always..ALWAYS doing this shyt...they make consoles then make newers ones with more stuff and differnet colors so u guys can buy wonder they consoles are so cheap
i personally wouldnt play dvds in them anyway. the ps2 played dvds and between my friend and i and our friends we saw over 10 playstation 2's go down from playing dvds in them. there is something about a dvd movie that is different from a game as far as how the console reads it. the first ps2 i had i played dvds in it and it died after a year. the second ps2 i got i still have after like 4 years and its never had a dvd in it. same with my friends. so even if they do put out support for it i wont play dvds in them. just like dude above me said...they got dvd players for 20-30 bucks. id rather kill one of those than my wii.
I really hope they have the downloadable codecs.
I don't feel like spending another 250 on an updated Wii.
Ugh, I thought everybody already understood this.

When I said BACKWARDS, I didn't mean counter-clockwise or anything like that, I meant from the OUTSIDE, INWARDS. Normal DVDs read from the INSIDE, OUTWARDS.

Does that make sense?

There's no logical reason they'd need to release a new version of the Wii altogether to read regular DVDs. Motors spin both ways people, how do you think cars go into reverse? Magic?

Step 1: Firmware update to allow disks to be read from the inside OUT instead of the opposite, which I was referring to as "BACKWARDS".
Step 2: Update all Wii's with codec to actually PLAY the DVDs.

And whammo, you're done.
MaXiMiUS said:
Motors spin both ways people, how do you think cars go into reverse? Magic?

The motors in cars rotate in one direction only. The transmission switches gears which makes it go in reverse.

Capt Elmer said:
The motors in cars rotate in one direction only. The transmission switches gears which makes it go in reverse.

It was a metaphor. Apparently a bad one, though, since I know nothing about the combustion engine.
at first i thought this was a really bad thing, but i realised if u watch alot of dvds on your wii it'll wear out the laser (like your cd-rom drive which ends up unable to read cds properly after a few years), guess its not a bad thing after all in my perspective

p.s. before my friend told me that i was gonna massacre nintendo
Think about it, its not been confirmed by nintendo so its still classed as a rumour.

I have a PC and Dvd player already. i wont go and buy ANOTHER wii just for the dvd capability.

It will most probably be a software update, nintendo arent like sony.

(Europeans) its only going to be released in N. America and Japan anyway lol.
Its hard for me to believe that Nintendo would create and manufacture totally new hardware for a DVD upgrade.
I wouldn't buy one anyways due to having a superior DVD player with HDMI. NO need in my eyes unless for some odd reason the games change in the future, format or something weird like that.
Why use a dvd there will not be two version of games one for the premium Wii and one for the current one I hope.
If this will be the case I will be very pissed off.
Rumors for the graphic update are that like the Xbox there will be patch so they ar able to improve the resolution. Hopefully the video chip can cop with this.
yee it should be downloadable anyway the wii surelky doesnt have a cd drive it would be impossible to fit any decent game on a cd so anyway the media player is just software they could even release it on a disk

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