sonic press release dvd


Dec 10, 2006
Wii Online Code
Nintendo Selects Sonic to Enable DVD Functionality in Future Version of Wii Console

Thats the heading of sonic.coms statement on the software they are creating for the wii. Something about the word "enable" leads me to be 100% sure that it is a firmware update.

heres the link.

the thing is, they state that this will be available in future versions of the wii, but they also state that : CinePlayer CE DVD Navigator is a robust, software-based DVD playback engine that delivers broad playback compatibility on a variety of platforms.

if this is all that it is, why cant we just download it?
I know I want a DVD player in my Wii (I used my PC (Downstairs) for my DVD playing)

And my PS2 for upstairs but it's broken (It's SONY lol) Im not very Rich so having one in my Wii would be handy. I hope the Older Wiis could play them with an Update :)

I'd get it no matter how many blocks it would take lol :)

But the News is cool cheers
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kinda did search wii chat . com. nothing came up.

sorry didnt see it

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