New up close Wii images

animal_crossing_fan said:
it looks great hopefully it wont be to long till it comes out in england :D wonder what the best game will be for the wii

hey tom your first post lol anyway the wii is coming out between september and november here in england hopefully.
registerednerd said:
I'm kinda surprised to be the one to bring this up, but any new rumors on the mysterious orange port on the back?

The text above the orange port says "Sensor Bar", so according to my brain, that's where you plug the sensor bar into. :cool:
Dav_4550 said:
ahh...I am drooling over them, not really, it's just a figure of speech. I love how clean the white looks, I will polish it daily so it looks shiny and new five years from now.
i agree when i get my wii i will probably hold out for a white one as they look the best (it will be my precious!!) and it will go with the ds lite im going to get
Hey im 99% sure the orange port at the back is to be connected to the sensor thing in my mind i can remember picture showing the sensor and cable and the plug on the cable had a orange tip and the same shape so im fairly sure
NateTheGreat said:
Hey, so this is my first post here! Just wondered if anyone knew what the hatch to the right of the disc slot is for? I thought the disc slot accepted both Wii and the smaller GameCube discs, but perhaps this hatch is hiding a seperate GC game slot? Also, I can't tell from the pics what the three menu buttons below the A button are, other than the "home" in the middle. Seems like here there's a "+" and "-", while on this close-up shot, there looks to be a curved back arrow button and a "pause" button. Anyone know which is the real Wiimote?:wtf:

Oh, and who hopes Nintendo will cut the cord between the Wiimote and Nunchuk?

I promise, my future posts won't be so lengthy:zzz:
I was wondering the same thing about the curved arrow and the pause button, but I think I have the answer to your question. The controller with the curved arrow and the pause button is fake. Notice that there is no Wii logo at at bottom? And how it doesn't say 'home' under the home button?


  • Fake.bmp
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The "mysterious orange port on the back" is labelled "sensor bar" not so mysterious if you check closer :)