New up close Wii images

And I don't think the final Wiimote will take AA batteries. There will most likely be a charger.

Now I see why the Wii is so small: so they can fit all the attatchments and accessories in the same box! xD
You should put a warning in the title to make sure people are sitting down. Had I been standing, my legs would most certainly have given way! Sooooo hot.

Anyone notice that in the second pic (WiiMote w/ battery lid off), the top right terminal has no contact on it? Anyone who knows anything about electrisity would know that this is not a good combination.

I'm kinda surprised to be the one to bring this up, but any new rumors on the mysterious orange port on the back?
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Hey, so this is my first post here! Just wondered if anyone knew what the hatch to the right of the disc slot is for? I thought the disc slot accepted both Wii and the smaller GameCube discs, but perhaps this hatch is hiding a seperate GC game slot? Also, I can't tell from the pics what the three menu buttons below the A button are, other than the "home" in the middle. Seems like here there's a "+" and "-", while on this close-up shot, there looks to be a curved back arrow button and a "pause" button. Anyone know which is the real Wiimote?:wtf:

Oh, and who hopes Nintendo will cut the cord between the Wiimote and Nunchuk?

I promise, my future posts won't be so lengthy:zzz:
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NateTheGreat said:
Hey, so this is my first post here! Just wondered if anyone knew what the hatch to the right of the disc slot is for? I thought the disc slot accepted both Wii and the smaller GameCube discs, but perhaps this hatch is hiding a seperate GC game slot? Also, I can't tell from the pics what the three menu buttons below the A button are, other than the "home" in the middle. Seems like here there's a "+" and "-", while on this close-up shot, there looks to be a curved back arrow button and a "pause" button. Anyone know which is the real Wiimote?:wtf:

Oh, and who hopes Nintendo will cut the cord between the Wiimote and Nunchuk?

I promise, my future posts won't be so lengthy:zzz:
The slot at the right of disc slot is a place for SD memory cards and the pic of the Wiimote is the real one. And yes i hope Nintendo makes the cord between the Wiimote and Nunchuk shorter or if the could get rid of the dord completly.
Thanks wii_rulez:) that slot has been so...mysterious. I swear, I've never seen a controller for any console have it's buttons changed as much as the wiimote! Still love it though; hope it has a microphone like some sites are predicting, too.
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There's nothing wrong with lengthy posts! In fact, I encourage you to write more than one sentence! ^_^

And as for that orange thing in the back, it looks like a place where you can stick a phone line. I'm hoping so because I don't have wireless Internet. ^_^'
Kalimar said:
There's nothing wrong with lengthy posts! In fact, I encourage you to write more than one sentence! ^_^

And as for that orange thing in the back, it looks like a place where you can stick a phone line. I'm hoping so because I don't have wireless Internet. ^_^'
Nintendo says u don't even need to have internet at all much less wireless for WiiConnect24.
registerednerd said:
You should put a warning in the title to make sure people are sitting down. Had I been standing, my legs would most certainly have given way! Sooooo hot.

Anyone notice that in the second pic (WiiMote w/ battery lid off), the top right terminal has no contact on it? Anyone who knows anything about electrisity would know that this is not a good combination.

I'm kinda surprised to be the one to bring this up, but any new rumors on the mysterious orange port on the back?

Dude its not a working model. That is just "for trade show use only" as they call it. Not finalized. They stated many times that many features and specs of the Wii are still subject to change.
Wii_Rulez said:
Nintendo says u don't even need to have internet at all much less wireless for WiiConnect24.
But, that feature requires that you be within range (probably about 100 feet) of another Wii, if it's even for real. I've only seen that mentioned one place, and there wasn't much that was believable in that article.

I just figured out the orange port. If you zoom in on the pic, it is clearly labeled "Sensor Bar"