Pikachu Colored Pichu Pokemon Event!


The Scrubbiest of Hunters
Jan 25, 2009
Nimbasa City
Wii Online Code
Albeit late to report this, but the Pikachu Colored Pichu event has been ongoing since January 30th, and will continue until February 14th at participating Gamestops around the U.S.

The Pikachu Colored Pichu is basically a Shiny Pichu with your usual interesting move or two, but nothing too exclusive. Here's the stats.

Pichu: Lv. 30 Holding an Everstone (lolfail)
ID No.: 01300
Ball: Cherish
Nature: Random


Volt Tackle

Notes: As mentioned earlier, this Pichu will be shiny, huzzah for all you shiny collectors out there. :thumbsup: It also has a classic ribbon, meaning you won't be finding it on GTS.

For those of you who aren't interested in a Pichu (I don't blame you), shiny or not, look alive, this Pichu isn't being given at an event for no reason! It'l play a part in Heart Gold/Soul Silver! It'l cause a small event to occur, and it'l catch you the "Spikey Eared Pichu" in HGSS. It knows a few interesting moves, and is a good level for how early you get it in the game (you'll find it at Ilex Forest). Unfortunatly, it can't evolve, and isn't tradable to other games, sadly. For more information on the Spikey Eared Pichu, here's a link.


As usual, I'll be giving out free Pichu clones. Unfortunatly, I won't be soft resetting for good IV's/nature, considering I won't be using the Pikachu/Raichu competitively. That, and I lack the time for it, period... Anywho, discuss!
i went to go get this pichu just to have it for soul silver, but then was told i have "to many wonder cards" or something like that, so it wouldnt let me download.
so if i can get one that'd be great. just send a PM, id appreciate it
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Lol lloyd, you get a wonder card every time you download an event; it's a description of said event stored on your DS. All you need to do is go to wondercards on the mystery gift screen and delete atleast one for a new event. You still keep the event poke in your game and all, you honestly don't need most wondercards for everything. The only time you'd ever keep one is if it's a local wireless-compatible one, meaning you can share it with friends. I doubt big events like Arceus, or even this Pichu are local wireless-compatible, though.

I, uh, need a Pichu too, to my embarressment. Issues sprung up, and I never arrived to get my Pichu. -.- Anyone willing to give one up? I'll clone it and give you back the original so you aren't losing anything.
thats funny that happened to me, then i remembered you could thrash'um. but i got one in platinum, pearl, diamond to bad my wifi is'nt ds compatible?.
I got the pichu...but will you be able to trade it right away into Soul Silver? or will you have to get something before hand to trade from diamond/pearl?
akubowii i can try...if anyone else wants one let me kno. i havent cloned in a long time
does anyone know how to clone event pokemon? i can't clone the normal way that i've been doing it before (via GTS).
Double post = facepalm

you might be able to clone by normall trading or the battle tower thing
I heard about this event after it was over... I would also greatly appreciate one if you ever did manage to clone it...
they launched the event again over wi-fi this time, so if you missed it you have another chance.

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