New Mario Cart + controller = what?

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  • #19
nice but i was thinking of having the controller horizontal spanning the entire weel so u can still use the regular buttons. Its still nice maybey make the buttons lower and easier to reach
Im just not sure how easy it would be to have to try to reach the Wiimote with your thumb or something even if it was attached to the actual wheel part. Also I would think the Wiimote may get in the way of your hands form-fitting the wheel if it was on the actual wheel.

More mockups!!!
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  • #23
Yea but im thinking off the posision of the wimote in sonic and exite truck and stuff which is horizontal, hm this is harder than i thought
hehe...very crude, but I see where your going with this. If your going to do that though, I would think maybe a bit higher on the wheel since your suppose to keep your hands at 10 o'clock and 2 o'clock. Thats not how most people drive really but when you see them play games with steering wheels, people usually have the best control at 10 and 2
mikybee93 said:
yea but what ARE the possiblilities and i bet there will be cuz theres been one for EVERY nintendo system

Not for the nes
or game boy
or virtual boy

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