OP M mikybee93 If its nintendo i love it Jul 31, 2006 176 0 F-ing germany :( Aug 1, 2006 Thread Starter Thread starter #31 who cares for MOST of the systems then, its still alot
MetroidZ Only took 4 years to get1 May 20, 2006 3,574 3 London, England Rank: i-wii-sistable Wii Online Code 1000-0000-0000-0000 Aug 1, 2006 #32 its a must have, and seeing as mario kart DS is the no1 seller they will definatly make one for the wii.
its a must have, and seeing as mario kart DS is the no1 seller they will definatly make one for the wii.
OP M mikybee93 If its nintendo i love it Jul 31, 2006 176 0 F-ing germany :( Aug 1, 2006 Thread Starter Thread starter #33 Im glad u agree with me and thanx for making the example, but what would they use the wimote for if u were in the back of the cart (if possible)
Im glad u agree with me and thanx for making the example, but what would they use the wimote for if u were in the back of the cart (if possible)
DBloke An ancient one, banner of over a thousand acunts Staff member Moderator May 30, 2006 19,544 119 Super Mancyland Wii Online Code 8041-7231-3447-6164 Aug 1, 2006 #34 As long as its not like the gc version
MetroidZ Only took 4 years to get1 May 20, 2006 3,574 3 London, England Rank: i-wii-sistable Wii Online Code 1000-0000-0000-0000 Aug 1, 2006 #35 i hope its not a "double dash" type of game, i think one person in one kart is enough.
OP M mikybee93 If its nintendo i love it Jul 31, 2006 176 0 F-ing germany :( Aug 1, 2006 Thread Starter Thread starter #36 i bet u can have 1 or 2 people per-cart, whichever u choose
MetroidZ Only took 4 years to get1 May 20, 2006 3,574 3 London, England Rank: i-wii-sistable Wii Online Code 1000-0000-0000-0000 Aug 1, 2006 #37 yeh, that would be cool.